Pedantic Pontificator

No, they didn’t, and you’re absolutely right about that. But the new, increasing numbers of YOUNG people are getting pulled in via the Internet. If you read stories of former white nationalists, they’ll talk about how they got pulled in this way. Women talk about how they joined groups that started with recipe sharing

Guys. Guys. This is an internet problem.

That’s the one!

Best. Clapback. Ever.

Fellow student loan debtor here. I was thinking the exact same thing. We’ve all got bills to pay, right?

Yes! Kara Brown. Thank you!

That was.... my point? All schools should be teaching the Tulsa massacre?

I’m down for the polo shirt, being a fat fuck myself. 😁

Great! Now, how about we add it to EVERY other school's curriculum? 

I’m just here for the Browns hate.


Thank you, Michael.

Personally, I was thinking Edward Snowden, but I like the cut of your jib...

Story time!

Right? I was all ready to extend an invite, too.


Doing the Lord's work, you are.

Bless the person who came up with it, whomever she may be:

Nope. Not one “Many people are saying” in the manuscript. Gotta have at least one “Many people are saying” in there.

Yes, but I think for a different reason than listed here, either in the article or the comments.