Pedantic Pontificator

How about plus size clothes?

WOOOOOOO! FINALLY!! Michael’s writing not one, but TWO books!

Methinks someone wrote a post to humble brag that John Legend showed up in his tweet thread.

I’m just going to put it out there: if his campaign would hire Michael Harriot to be their Senior Negro Advisor, I would totally donate.

I’ve been fascinated by the MSM response to your article and the way they promptly circled the wagons around Buttigieg.

Only if Zimmerman was named as a party to the case.

Guaranteed, and very likely pro bono (free). That sort of publicity pays for itself.

Ok, but that study is from 2014.

You must be gunning to be promo'd in this week's clapback.

Kill me now.

I agree with your point, but I’m afraid of frogs....

Yeah. Substitute “Ohio” and the shoe fits like a glove.

I was thinking that the Atlantic brought better-spelling concern trolls, then I got to Ben F's letter, and it was back to business as usual. 

Linda. It's Thanksgiving. Put down the phone and - I don't know, get a drink or something.

The Atlantic, Washington Post, and I just saw an article in The Hill.

*sobs* We're still here. I promise!