Pedantic Pontificator

Hi, you’re very sweet, but you must be a guy. As a woman, over the years (and arcs of weight), I’ve been leered at, glared at, laughed at, made fun of, mocked, and worst of all - sold to. Trust me, women are constantly under scrutiny - and it doesn’t stop when we walk through the gym doors.

Eminem admits in his own song “Without Me” that he uses black music selfishly to make himself wealthy.

Plus, the Russians liked him.

That’s awful. I lol’ed. Have a star.

Yep. The answer to everyone’s “Why?!?” is taxes.

Fuck you.

Definitely pleasantly surprised to see how ready to wear the clothing was. I could wear that to work, no less.


Okay, but flowers, candy, and a good bottle of wine are still good, yeah?

More feminist than Jezebel. Thank you for this delightful read.

EXACTLY. We cannot let him win. It’s only been one year. He cannot have this country. It’s not his. Fuck. Him.

My biggest fear is ICE - they have become our very own secret fascist police. They wait at schools with children to trap parents. They drag people from courtrooms. They pull people off of streets. And they house them in detention centers and force them to work against their will.

Your suffering sounds horrible, and I’m glad to hear you’re getting what you need to treat your pain.

Ha! You’re hilarious!

Clearly, you have not heard of plastic surgery. Butt implants, cheek fillers, lip injections, waist trainers.


 I post this only with respect and admiration.

And again, fuck you, white man.

Hi! I’m from Ohio. We need that fucking money back, thanks.

No - it’s freaking awesome!