Pedantic Pontificator

Fucking Ohio, man. Nine law schools, airports in every county, and we still have this mouth-breathing class of anti-education morons running 2/3rds of the state, because the rest of the population is crammed into a few cities/voting districts. And people honestly wonder why we’re a flyover state?


 It’s about ethics in gaming journalism.

Oh fuck you. That’s bullshit and you know it. We have our kids draw turkeys with their hands and put on Pilgrim and Indians costumes and pretend that we don’t know that the real reason native Americans fed the first Pilgrims was because native Americans were sick of the Pilgrims raiding graves for food.

Before anyone jumps up and down on you, 53% of voting white women voted for Donald Trump.

I was never invested, and with each of her shitty actions and half-ass apologies, I have been more and more disgusted with her. This is the living end. The final straw. It’s time to revoke her feminist credentials. Take away her woman card. It’s time for Lena Dunham to exit the stage, and I don’t give a shit in which


RIGHT BEFORE the Virginia governor’s race. Jesus Fucking Tap-Dancing Christ, could her timing have been any worse?!?

Having grown up during the 70s, 80s, and 90s myself, listening to kids born in the last two decades (ish) talking about these issues as if they arose a vacuum...

Lawyer says - have your star.

What?!? No. Oh dog no.

Uh, pretty well, considering Jewish people were also victims of genocide and cruel medical experiments and theft of property and...

This is literally the first time I’ve heard of this march - and I am on social media and receive emails from local political action groups.

Nope. You have to join us Rebas on Jezebel for that. You can be “woke” or feminist, but not both, apparently.

No. YOU didn’t learn the fucking lesson of 2008. And this is why Bernie Sanders wouldn’t have accomplished fuck all if he had been elected president.

You forget the Voting Rights Act (which forced states to fess up to Congress how they were discriminating against black voters) and the Civil Rights Act of ‘64 - which created a cause of action by which people who were discriminated against could sue their governments.

“Courts ruled Clinton violated government policy by using the server, though she was never charged with any crime.”

Your dad is awesome, and if I still work in a nursing home by the time he’s in one, I’d take him silly walking every day.

Sigh. You didn’t read the book, obviously. That’s some Bernie bro shit right there.