Pedantic Pontificator

53%. Aaaaaaaaannnnnndddd then there’s the 3rd party voters.

Lol. My home team is the Cleveland Browns. Not much of a sacrifice.

I made an argument that the Democratic party faithful should know more about tax policy, because listening to pundits who clearly have no idea what they’re talking about drives me crazy. I was shouted down.

FYI: I put in my married name and maiden name. I actually did receive a “You probably weren’t affected” notice for my maiden name (been married awhile). *Shrugs*

Hi. White feminist here. Please don’t #allwomen right now.

Sigh - Ohio is a flyover state for a reason. (Disclaimer: I live in Ohio)

Because white women choose race over gender, and the world suffers. (Disclaimer: I am a white woman)


My God, no one EVER says this. No one EVER demands that Bernie apologize for ripping the party apart, whining like a bitch after he didn’t get the nomination, or being a shit campaigner (oh, he doesn’t believe in campaigns. How convenient for a dumbass running for President).

The hair totally sells it.

He he he he. Sorry, but I am a lawyer, aaaaaaaaannnnnndddd this is a harder case than Gawker. For one, Gizmodo Media Group purchased the assets of Jezebel, not the site as a going concern. So that’s going to throw up a hurdle. Second, Gawker did go into bankruptcy, and they’re going to have to get around the fact that

This is probably the second ever post I’ve starred. Lifehacker coffee posts are perfection.

Also very revealing of their real beliefs, IMHO. Sure, you say you’re not racist/sexist/ageist/homophobic/transphobic/fatphobic, but funny how aaaaallllllllll of that shit comes spewing out your mouth when you’re criticizing celebrities/politicians.

Yes. Same department.

I love the story I read where she would bring vodka and get McCain drunk to talk him into passing legislation.

I nominate Bernie Sanders as a Reba.



Sooo... Lynching is back. And now my fellow white people can go back to saying, “I’m not racist! I’ve never been to a lynching!” aaaaaaaannnnnndddd honestly not understand that’s the lowest fucking bar imaginable.