
I saw diesel at a bunch of stations around here was like $6.50. Insane. I’m glad I’m not a trucker, but we’re all paying for that eventually.

Who else was in the discord channel? Seems like those people maybe need a visit.

I mean...

I learned to drive stick on a Spider. Totally unrelated, I also learned to double clutch and rev match while learning to drive stick.

What a photo. Crazy you can actually see the brakes leaving the car.

A Cessna 172 weighs less than 1700 lbs. And it's not designed with a frontal crash in mind. I'm not shocked at all that the SUV people are fine and the plane people are injured and dead.

I have a kids younger than this article. Lol.

The Discord one sounds targeted, like there was a grudge. That could get dangerous.

All ethanol for vehicle use is a mistake. It’s just so stupidly wasteful all around. But it makes money for some big corn producers, so here we are.

His investment advisor must be really impressive. To turn a KGB salary and a presidential salary into billions of dollars. Just incredible skill.

Holy shit, are you serious? This article was so poorly written I couldn’t even follow most of it, but I thought at least the tax part was correct.

Unless the tank is empty, it’s probably pretty safe, honestly (don’t go try this). The most dangerous point is probably just as you’ve finished your hole and the gas starts coming out, you then possibly have sparks as you let off your drill trigger, and you have vapors off the draining gas now.

Any modern actual key would have a similar failure mode if the chip in the key stopped talking to the car, even those that you have to twist.

Are you really hedging against inflation if you pay 200% over book?

Yeah, on the headline I thought he fucked with his DNS or something, which somehow reached a higher level at the telecom because of a bad config, but no, he just went with the nuclear option instead.

Also absurdly windy there. A lot of the halfpipe stuff I saw was a dangerous disaster because it was too cold and too windy. Wind chills were often like 20 below or worse. That’s not fun or safe at that point.

Gymnastics and figure skating are two that really stand out as kinda awful sports. You have to be training hardcore at like 3 or 4, you have body issues and food issues for life, you fuck up your joints and your body, and you’re thrown away when you’re 20 (if you’re lucky).

The fact that they’re 50% more likely to have been involved in a crash than similar helicopters? They have way more crashes than they should, even considering the number of them flying.

 Yeah. The R44 is a disaster. They're incredibly dangerous, especially when run ragged for tourists.

It has also been completely destroyed on mobile for a while. I'm using desktop mode at the moment. Articles only half load, and the comments usually don't exist at all.