
The shifter they used a picture of is from Honda, and owning one, it’s an excellent shifter, and takes up almost no space. You can find drive by feel coming from Reverse (after backing out of a space or driveway) because it’s got a bezel, reverse is impossible to accidentally select because of the different action,

Yeah, there's driving on thick lake ice, and then there's doing 50 down a river. With kids playing hockey near the banks. Completely insane.

I think the launch ramp could've used a bit of a kick too maybe.

I mean, we kinda do need better schools. All the stuff we’re taught about Columbus and Mayflower and stuff are revisionist European bullshit. It’s easy to see how people get from that to white supremacy.

Bitcoin uses a ton of energy to process such wild transaction numbers as *checks notes* 7 per second.

That’s the thing that stands out to me as well. They can’t just change the terms of a contract afterwards, it doesn’t work like that.

Or I could do whatever I want with my money. I have plenty of it.

Those things are so delicious. Pro tip, add onions, it gets even better. The new veggie burrito thing is pretty cheap still and quite large. We can feed our family of 4 with way, way more food than we need for like $20, and that’s splurging on potato bowls and Doritos tacos (with refried beans).

I think it actually depends. If there’s little enough snow that you can cut through and get to the pavement with narrow tires, then that’s better. However, if it’s super deep, or the pavement below is just pure ice anyway, then I think you’re better off with wide tires that can distribute your weight across the snow.

It’s cold here, but that warmed my heart watching this moron struggle.

I think the original Z4 is maybe my second favorite, after the newest ones. The newest gen are eye catchingly different, they look like a supercar from the back.

I recently re-watched it. It really is a masterpiece. 

Yeah, I wouldn't mind it for our second car, replacing an old CX7 that we put like 400 miles on last year, but that's not enough mileage to buy anything at all when we have something that works and is well payed for years ago. 

I would've downloaded music and podcasts long ago, but I guess if you want actual news and there's no cell service then that doesn't help.

My guess is that the station owner or manager disabled the shutoff because it was either malfunctioning and shutting off when it shouldn't, or people were shutting it off when they shouldn't. 

It can also put stuff you think of as very flexible (paper checks, straw) into telephone poles.

It’s pretty clear from context that he meant “for a similar crime”. You seriously must get that and are just being willfully difficult.

Someone too lazy to edit.

You think James fucking Holmes and this guy deserve similar sentences? The fuck?

My first thought when it said he “parked it overnight in an office parking lot” is that his insurance specifically requires his car to be garaged at his home address, or specifically requires it NOT be left overnight except in certain places, or something like that, so they denied the claim.