“Watching this crybaby succeed makes me very upset.”
“Watching this crybaby succeed makes me very upset.”
I have never watched hockey. Ever. I can’t explain why, really. I just never cared. But my kids were curious about the sport when we accidentally flipped to this last night. And between my valiant (and failed) attempts at explaining the rules and the frantic energy seen from the players, we were captivated by this…
I wrestle with the conflicting beliefs that A) women are often coerced through violence and intimidation to go against their own values in the interest of self-preservation so I will give this story the benefit of the doubt and B) These are exactly the lies I would tell if I got caught committing a terrible crime if…
The 30-inch Zyla
If any of you are questioning whether this is safe for a baby, I am confident Zyla would tell us she died doing what she loved when she gains the power to speak in the next 2-3 years.
so......er....is this consider ‘yellow washing’? Er....guys....any social justice warriors care to comment?
Wow. As someone who pre-ordered and very much enjoys Battleborn, I’m...kinda pissed. I suppose I shouldn’t be, having bought a game I enjoy, but I am.
God that ending... I was getting all optimistic thinking that through space-time/psychic/whatever magic Bran was going to simultaneously warg into past and present Hodor and kickstart present Hodors brain and Meera would be all “Hodor! Hodor!” and he’d get up and be all “The name is Wylis” and carry Bran to safety...…
It really doesn’t show he can control time. Considering that Hodor until now was the way he was without us knowing, it more like Terminator where Bran just caused a causality loop. Hodor was always meant to see his death and become damaged and then live his life until that moment occurred.
We found out how the White Walkers came to be.
You are kidding, right?
Among other things that annoyed me in this episode: why didn’t the 3-eyed raven guy tell Bran “Be careful not to let a white walker touch you or it will break the magic protecting you here” right off the bat? It should have been completely foreseeable that Bran would get into trouble with his power.
I believe it’s pronounced ‘chahge cahd’.
... holy hell ...
Yeah. If you’d kept your hot mess of a husband: Alive, employed, managed, fed and clothed and supported and he KEPT stepping out... I can support her and any woman who says, “enough.”
I guess my main question is, who still wants to fuck Ozzy Osbourne?
Does predicting the future violate copyright laws of future events that haven’t happened yet?