
69 counts of indecent exposure? Nice.

tf wrong with you? We finally get Jon Targaryen

I just don’t understand why everyone thinks this is a good thing. Pretty much anyone that is a victim of Necromancy, is not going to be a very helpful ally in the long run. Resurrect a person through black magic, and tada, you now have a new... almost invincible ANTAGONIST to deal with. SMH.

Berric was resurrected by Thoros like 50 times and he’s still kinda standing, and still possesses a sense of humor.

Azor Ahai he is.

The girlfriend isn’t named?

Not if they have a settlement. But man all the partying and legal costs and coachella? Losing endorsements? Good thing his parents are loaded.

The (relatively) high number, ON TOP OF actual sex multiple times a day, is what really surprised me.

So, who else clicked on this article to see what “A LOT” meant and was relieved to find you’re not remotely close to the actual number?

I mean, yeah, it’s a stress reliever and if I go several days without it I’m cranky and sometimes in actual physical pain, but three to six times a day?! That’s gotta be exhausting and

Plus, you can’t just decide to believe, no matter how good the pussy is.

I think being asked to change (or join) a religion for a relationship should be an automatic dealbreaker.

I don’t mean just Japan, I mean everywhere, her massive count of movies simply haven’t done well outside of english talking countries. Everyone knows her just for being in the Avengers, and there’s a reason Disney/Marvel doesn’t do a movie about Black Widow. She is no Jennifer Lawrence or Charlize Theron. She’s not

In Gamestop back when they still accepted trade-ins for PS1 and N64 games, people would come in and ask what kind of credit they’d get for items, and as a Gamestop employee I was suppose to tell them the credit they’d get and if they declined then bid them a good day and thank them for visiting, but I had people on a

Oh...oh, God.

i wish i never read this

The height of sophistication is owning your very own hand-crafted, artisan dick.

In that banner pic, Jeff Fisher looks like the guy that gets his shit-kicked in by mobsters because he owes them interest on the loan they gave him for his “Cash 4 Gold” business.

If there’s any solace for the Rams, it’s that the Titans are the team making the picks they traded so it will undoubtedly not look so bad in retrospect

I’m drunk at an airport, though this was a Deadspin article. Thought there was a new commissioner in the NFL, got really confused. I hope I make my flight.

That is just the tip of the iceburg... he also appears to increase in mass at no apparent cost. Where is the mass coming from? If it’s converting from energy where is the energy coming from (not only the energy that becomes mass but the massive amount of energy needed to convert that energy to mass)? It pretty much