
I’m so stealing that gif! man that is hilarious!

“Thai Fighter” is awesome!

What did they expect when they hired a kid named McLovin

the result of this kind of untethered manufactured outrage will be that advertisers will be hesitant to use models of color at all. why bother if someone on the internet will find something to raise hell about or interpret some aspect of your ad as ‘racist’ no matter what? you want a photo of an older child cheekily

Usually I scoff at the notion of overzealous “PC culture” (blech, I don’t even like typing it) running out of control....

I think you really have to want it to be offended by this one.

Still don’t know how I feel about some of these. Some are great; others—like Genie—not so much. I also think molded heads are borderline “cheating” and take away the LEGO minifig charm.

I’m not sure what I’m more impressed by...the artwork or her bravery for wearing a black sweater while working with chalk. There was an Algebra teacher at my school who ALWAYS came away from class coated in a layer of chalk.


Your comment sounds kind of like one of those ‘This girl had a present for her dying mother. You won’t believe what happens next’ type click bait links.

That is incredibly cool. It blows my mind how she can do that with just chalk and a board. It’s not just a matter of drawing it, but of getting the chalk in the right amount of layers and... stuff. Complicated stuff. I’m super impressed! If I was a teacher and I came into my room and saw that, I’d have to tell the

Do you work for Upworthy?

I’m a bit biased here, but isn’t the Xbone controller more aesthetically pleasing then the ps4 controller? Something about the ps4 controller just looks wonky to me. M$ sure seems lacking when it comes to making consoles, but they nailed the perfect controller.

if you think patience is the most important thing when raising kids but you have to get high to be patient then MAYBE you shouldn’t have kids.

One thing no one tells you when you first have kids is how insanely boring the job can be. Reading the same books over and over again, watching the same videos, playing the little games that are absolutely vital to helping your kids develop so many skills are often mind-numbingly boring. In the early days, I had to

Kanye’s been living in the house bought by the video of another man’s penis destroying his wife’s ass.

Even stupid people are not too fond of parting with their money, you have to be savvy to monetize them

People can have whatever opinion of the Kardashians as they want - I really don’t care either way about them - but that is one incredibly savvy family.
Kim K really needs to teach Liz Lemon how to do that thing that rich people do where they turn money into more money.