
I’m so stealing that gif! man that is hilarious!

“Thai Fighter” is awesome!

“Gray hay hackers”?

My suspicion is that the purpose of Quentyn Martell’s book plot was to establish that not just anyone can tame a dragon, so that when Book Tyrion finally gets there... and does it, as I suspect he will in some form or fashion in the book as well as the show ... it’s crystal clear to the reader that this reflects

I don’t put it past them to kill off Tyrion, but if they do it I think it’ll be such a surprise that it wouldn’t even be teased in the trailer. This looks way more like common’OMG what’s gunna happen???’ movie trailer bait stuff.

I’m thinking a couple things:

I think you mean he’s going to go orange-glazed ham, glistening with beads of rendered fat in the torchlight, on a bed of leafy greens and served with a rich sauce of Dornish wine. This is GoT, after all.

With all due respect to the Onion Knight... who gives a shit about Davos in this frame? Do you all see what I see?? I see Ghost. Ghost. That direwolf is about to go HAM and rip multiple Crow’s innards out!! In fact I hope to see Ghost chew ollie into jerky.

What did they expect when they hired a kid named McLovin

The irony that the renewable source is running out and they are switching to hydro-carbons is immense.

Now playing

Hotels and malls are even being asked to run generators instead of using mains electricity.

the result of this kind of untethered manufactured outrage will be that advertisers will be hesitant to use models of color at all. why bother if someone on the internet will find something to raise hell about or interpret some aspect of your ad as ‘racist’ no matter what? you want a photo of an older child cheekily

Usually I scoff at the notion of overzealous “PC culture” (blech, I don’t even like typing it) running out of control....

I think you really have to want it to be offended by this one.

But getting the seeds out of the permagranate is such a pain in the ass.

Still don’t know how I feel about some of these. Some are great; others—like Genie—not so much. I also think molded heads are borderline “cheating” and take away the LEGO minifig charm.

I’m not sure what I’m more impressed by...the artwork or her bravery for wearing a black sweater while working with chalk. There was an Algebra teacher at my school who ALWAYS came away from class coated in a layer of chalk.

I’m a bit biased here, but isn’t the Xbone controller more aesthetically pleasing then the ps4 controller? Something about the ps4 controller just looks wonky to me. M$ sure seems lacking when it comes to making consoles, but they nailed the perfect controller.