
Did you miss the part where they demanded Gregory’s decapitated head because they didn’t think he was giving them enough free stuff? Or perhaps the wall of polaroids with bashed-in faces next to their beds? Or the girl that had her finger cut off because she stole some food? Not sure how much more evidence one would

Those threatening words were “Put down your guns, everything you own belongs to us, and now we’re going to kill you.”

I think that several years into the Zompocalypse, it’s pretty safe to assume that when someone has a gun pointed at you and says they’re going to kill you, you can take them at their word.

And Gregory

It really is striking the number of mistakes he made while recapping this episode. Attributing things the other two female Saviors said to the Alicia Witt character, Pablo/Paulo/Primo, it was gasoline, not oil. the zombies were in a hallway (to block the exit, duh) and not on the killing floor, it’s a rosary and not a

LMAO at “Saviors used some threatening words”

Yes and also, it was the smoking lady who said “we’re all Negan,” not Alicia Witt. And the zombies were in a hallway, not the killing floor. And the guy’s name was Primo, not Pablo or Paulo. You’d think someone who reviews shows for a living would take some notes.

Honestly the Primo mix up took me out of this whole review, I was second guessing myself “wait a second is he primo or pablo? Am I racist for giving him a hispanic nickname? or is Rob racist for assuming the hispanic dude was named Pablo?”

They are seemingly setting them up with serious plot armor to make it all the more shocking when it gets taken away. Also, at this point in the zombie apocalypse, most everyone left alive should be a BAMF. If anything, I'm shocked that the people of Hilltop and Alexandria are as hopeless as they were portrayed.

I wonder if the show will acknowledge at some point how ridiculous it is that Rick and the group arent listening in on other radio frequencies, or listening in on that specific radio they stole. They could listen in on all the saviors communications and movements. I realise it’s fiction but jeeesh, talk about weak

Myself, and a friend of mine (a PHD from MIT) did some controlled experiments (a la Mythbusters) on this very thing. Specifically, it was determining how gasoline ignites in certain circumstances (for a court case). You would be surprised how hard it is to ignite. Anyway, while we didn’t exactly use a cigarette...we

I think they should all pretty deaf from a close-quarter battle with automatic gunfire. Their ability to hear anything in the upper or lower registers should be GONE.

That’s how you get tinnitus!

Most chillingly, Alicia Witt tells Carol this: “You’re not the good guys. You should know that.”

Wait...then there’s this:

I am scared for Carol. Not because she is doubting herself or losing her edge or going soft or anything like that. I am scared for Carol because I know this show, and it feels like they may be setting us up for a real tragedy. Carol started as an abused wife, and in the process of surviving both her husband and the

I think if I was on Rick’s team, I would have been mighty pissed that he shot that big ass revolver indoors with no warning. Everyone on his side is going to be deaf if this keeps up.

Perhaps his hearing is already gone after he fired a full auto AK-47 for 20 seconds straight inside that winnebago a while back.

Melissa McBride deserves an Emmy. Her work continues to be one of the most impressive performances I’ve seen. Because of her story line, it was genuinely difficult to tell if she was putting on an act, scared or any combination of the two. The character is struggling with balancing what she needs to do to survive,

The reason for adult coloring books, retro video game arcades, reviving 25 yr old tv shows, people desperately cheering for their college athletic teams, and eating crunch berries cereal for dinner is because when we all get to adulthood, we find out it’s a shitshow.

Why not just go to DST year-round? It would give us nearly all of the "benefits" but without the headache of switching back and forth.

The change was made by Congress (not the President) as part of a bill called the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 74 to 26 and the House by a vote of 275-156. Then-Senator Barack Obama voted in favor of the bill (along with 24 other Senate Democrats). It would have made no sense