
Protoss was my favorite back when I played a ton of SC1 (and by a ton I mean when I tried being good at it and was average at best) and I still prefer SC1 to SC2 (I haven’t played any expansions of SC2, though). Zerg was my #2 and Terran my #3 but when you have a Terran and Protoss and you can just go siege tanks with

35 year old man here. (there is a reason for me stating this, just give me a minute lol) I like to play video games, so I made an IG account to post clips since I know most of my friends don’t care about it and I don’t want to spam their feeds with my stuff, so I got the second account. I follow back active people

I mean for crying out loud, Nintendo. If you’re gonna make it this much of a pain in the ass to do integrated chat with my party, just cut the feature entirely.

they were so balanced! Zo and LJ!

I love it, too! Throwback Nugs jerseys are the best.

So EA is doing their “campaign” on Madden like 2K is doing... ugh. I hate it. It’s so annoying. I just want to PLAY a character that either represents me or is me. I don’t care about flashbacks or anything, I want to SET NFL RECORDS! On 2K16 and 2K17, it’s cool for about the first 5-10 minutes. Then when everyone is

I know it’s called “Terrarium Collection,” but man, I’d love to have an actual terrarium with cool stuff like this because I suck at keeping up with plants.

and people who want to steal shit

I’m just gonna go with whatever Pearl chooses because I want to be able to play against more of the other team.

No, flight will definitely dominate unless Marina chooses invisibility. I’m choosing what Marina doesn’t choose since she’s so popular lol.

So what about my examples of all of the other lords of the other houses leading their men into battle? Aegon Targaryen is called Aegon the Conqueror because he was there with his dragons, sisterwives, and army to conquer Westeros.

You know what defeated Napoleon in Russia? It wasn’t the use of guerilla warfare, it was THE WINTER. Russians were used to it, the French were not. They ended up eating their own horses just to survive. Show me an instance or two of guerilla warfare being used on an open battlefield and not in a wooded or urban area

You literally call this a suicide mission about 4 instances in this thread. I explained that most of the people on this suicide mission are happy to be there. Your point about Jon being King and shouldn’t be doing this, yeah, that’s right, if he’s a little bitch like Joffrey.

So dragons ONLY eat humans? Not goats, cattle, horses, or any other livestock? Only a diet of humans? Thanks for that tidbit of knowledge.

Guerrilla tactics were first used at the Battles of Lexington and Concord by the Patriots at April 19, 1775.”

I know some users that have bent units are saying they play mostly dock, but I wonder how many are from being played in handheld mode? I mean, it should be a little sturdier than that, but I notice when things get super intense on Splatoon 2, I have this death grip on my pro controller. I can totally see it

You can’t utilize guerilla tactics in an open battlefield with a THRONG of an army. You can in the forest, mountains/valleys, etc. Places you can hide and jump out from, not a cold, snowy, windy, open battlefield. Guerilla warfare is utilized with much smaller fighting force and a much smaller enemy force.

Half of the group were on a suicide mission on their own to begin with - The Hound, Thoros, and Beric. They were already trying to cross the wall to go north. Gendry didn’t even seem to need to be convinced, Jorah is doing this for Dany, not Jon.

Don’t all faces (from the House of Black and White and when Arya is “on the road”) come from dead bodies? So you think Arya should go around murdering some northerners to use their faces?

Who cares if Sansa wants to rule Winterfell anyway? She’s spent years dealing with rulers and politics and learning how to manipulate people. This is a job she’s incredibly suited for that Jon is terrible at, which we know because not only did he abandon his people to go south to meet with a foreign invader...