
Doesn’t look like there have been any instances of things getting burned by dragons without being commanded to since, at least on screen, so I don’t know why you think this is still an issue. If you honestly think Dany is worse than Cersei then there is nothing else to discuss because you are just plain crazy. :-P

What children are you referring to? The one that got burned by her dragon that she was somewhat responsible for but did not specifically order for that to happen?

I love getting the colorful vinyl records, special editions, etc., but one of my favorite to listen to is an old copy of The Who’s Who’s Next. The cracks and pops make it sound soooo good (yeah, I know it just means it’s dirty and imperfect, but I like it).

I love getting the colorful vinyl records, special editions, etc., but one of my favorite to listen to is an old

You can do 90 percent of the damage, but whoever gets the last shot receives full credit for the kill while you get none

The only one I can think of is the boy who got burned alive, the goat farmer’s son or something.

Robert Baratheon also ordered all Targaryens to be hunted and killed. And when he was old and fat he was still trying to kill Dany in Essos (or wherever she was). He was OK with the Mountain killing two kids. Murdering children vs burning alive men who were given a choice - which one is worse?

At the same time, how many instances have we seen Jon Snow say he didn’t want to be King in the North or never asked for it? He doesn’t want to rule.

Fuck that, with all that food gone, ain’t no one got time to feed PoWs lol

I know, everyone who is criticizing Dany (including those IN THE SHOW) are stupid. She’s trying to win back what she believes is her birth right. She’s giving me a choice - either stick with me and live or die. She’s not picking people at random and executing them. I can’t believe the Tarleys were so quick to remain

She’s not rich, she’s powerful. I mean, where is her gold? She just took ships, I mean didn’t they give em to her to get the hell outta there? So she could be someone else’s problem?

Why would anyone think Dany owes Jorah? He tried to have her killed at one point! If anything she OWNS Jorah.

My theory? Jorah gets killed and turned into a wight and they have to bring his re-animated ass to King’s Landing.

I, too, failed at cleaning my house the last couple of weekends. At least I got to play a ton of Overwatch and Splatoon 2!

The last line is the best.

I don’t understand where they have this idea with Asians and eye contact. No one has ever told me not to look someone in the eye. Maybe it’s like the rest of the stuff in that paragraph - maybe this is all relevant with like, the stereotypical portrayal of an Asian family/community in a movie that has a setting in

Man, you wrote enough to pique my interest in this podcast! I friend people all the time still on Xbox One, mainly Overwatch, when I find a good random team. I went 6-2-1 yesterday with a 6-man team and it was amazing. Quintuple Mercy rez!

Never heard of it before, but I’m guessing OMGYes > a cheating spouse

Fuck, I better order using my discount from Disney Movie Club soon lol

Yeah, I think the butt pose was much less sexual than some of the emotes and intros (I think all of that is stupid, it’s only sexual if you know, you know what it’s inferring. kids don’t know half of these as sexual, I would hope lol).

And if you ever order anything from their website and pick standard shipping, it arrives SUPER FUCKING FAST! I mean so fast to the point that you have to ask yourself, “did I just order that YESTERDAY MORNING?”