
Someone actually did this to my ex wife, the thing is, he was a coworker too! She told some people at the clinic and apparently this guy does it all the time and never gets in trouble. WTF.

Polygon is owned by The Verge, right? If so, fuck them. I feel like they try to push whatever agenda they want to push at the time and they will literally ban you for any comment that goes against their grain of thinking. You don’t agree? Sit in time out and ask for forgiveness. When they did this to me I emailed them

Ahhh ok, I get what you mean. I always say sir/ma’am to even teenagers (I’m hoping younger people see the importance of treating people with respect that they don’t know but who knows if it actually works) but “man” to friends regardless of gender or race.

Yes, but not the griller, not the eel, not the rain cloud guy, not the scrapper, not the...

Having a gun unholstered and trained (doesn’t look like it’s pointing directly towards the person but definitely close enough to make anyone nervous regardless of the circumstances) for that long is odd, but if their protocol is if you unholster your gun you need to keep it out no matter what until back up arrives, it

Haha it is totally tacticool! I mean, it has its purpose, but I would say it’s probably used more for people taking photos with their guns - it’s less stupid than someone pointing a gun (loaded or unloaded) towards a camera to take a photo. I mean, I’d wanna show off my 1911s in a photo op. :-P

I wonder why her nickname is frog? And she’s a Zarya not a Lucio main? Huh? lol

I wonder why her nickname is frog? And she’s a Zarya not a Lucio main? Huh? lool

His stance looks similar to a relaxed but ready with weapon stance. Usually when military or police are combat ready (like bust through a door) they hold pistols like this, as well are rifles. And I would assume it’s less tiresome than aiming it like you’re actually ready to shoot (as in a target that you’re trying to

Wait, why would Jon kill Dany for Arya?

Wait, why would Jon kill Dany for Arya?

This scene fucking rules even in poor quality, and it will undoubtedly rule even harder in high quality.

In the second photo with the overlay, it looks super busy with the desk design and overlay. It looks really, really bad. But as far as the look, yeah, it is better with computers and a fancier desk or whatever you want to call it.

Make it to where neither of them is promoting one but both of them and ask the audience to decide for them which one is better.

Either some people are over exaggerating or I was lucky. I was on Ketchup and I probably went up against a Mayo team like 30-40% of the time. Maybe Nintendo needs to have people choose based on their actual preference and not have Pearl and Marina even have a preference - like let them both talk good and bad about

In other words, King is only a title you can get through birthright and queen is short for two different things, one by birthright and one by marriage?

Ok, maybe, just maybe, you’re not white. I still doubt it though. Looking at a history of your posts could just simply mean that you’ve been pushing the same lie for a long time. I’m not about to doxx you and prove it so I guess I’ll let it go.

(I won’t tell you how, but the fact that you made this point gives away the fact that you’re white)

I think he meant if your starter is that good, not necessarily how bad your back up is. Maybe.

So when kings married their wives weren’t queens? Huh?