
In our office the women do most of the cleaning and bringing foods... but whoever cleans the break room gets to go home early. No one here is complaining.

Glad The Protector made the list, it's such a long, single shot! Fighting or not, anyone should appreciate that!

Wow. I knew it irked some but did not know this was disliked/hated/abhorred by so many. I myself don't particularly use it, since "womens" is just more fun to say anyway.

Is there anyway you can do an updated version of this? I am currently in the process of looking to set up an online shop.

I quit reading after you said no one outside that building liked the song. Dude, everyone thinks that song is funny. And when you have this made up girl group singing about a soft drink, busting out of nowhere at random places... I just find that completely crazy and entertaining. Loosen up. Sounds like you need some

Trolling or just.... super sensitive? I can't tell. Kudos? Or fuck you? I don't even know what to say.

#1 I don't even recall the last time I saw an Arby's commercial
#2 I actually like Arby's. My life is sad.

Even my wife saw this ad and asked me, "what are they advertising?" I said, "it's like that game, Clash of Clans, only they used Kate Upton to sell it." Then she saw the half second (literally) of "gameplay" and said, "that doesn't look ANYTHING like the game itself" to which I replied, "yep, pretty lame ass game."

LOL I was about to shit a brick. "Castle Crashes?!?! What does that awesome game have to do with this one?!"

I was laughing so damn hard

That's one helluva story. "My dad" or "I" got beat down by George Foreman!

I totally want to see this now. Had no idea it existed.

OK then, how about these stats? I don't even care about circus catches.

He should be in there in place of AJ Green.

It is also a travesty that McCoy is on there and not Forte. No love for Forte?? I'd say he had a pretty damn good season. He had maybe 2 or 3 games where he didn't do much and didn't miss any games.

Does that really happen when you haven't played in years and turn it back on??

Funny, I was thinking the EXACT same thing about the "hope he doesn't have a $700 phone in his pocket" part.

Haha I was wondering the same thing. None of these are NSFW to me.

The terror babies guy is, unfortunately, my rep, Louie Gohmert. But he's in DC as a representative and not a state politician.

The best dialog in the whole movie is when one of Kim Jong-Un's officers is explaining the irony of the situation and he tells him his butthole is ironic. I completely lost it.