
I friggin' HATE people who don't use their turn signal. If you don't use it, I hate you. End of story.

Asian male here. Those guys just don't have game, that's why they subvert to shitty personalities.

This is my "concern" if you want to call it that. Sterling definitely needs to go, but has he broken any rules technically? He didn't criticize refs or the league, he just obviously doesn't like black folks, even though they make him a ton of money.

how would they know which games came as bundled when they were all downloaded? Certain prefixes on download codes were for bundles only I guess?

I can vouch for the hearing a baby cry can make breasts leak. One evening shortly after our daughter was born she started to cry when she woke up from a nap. My wife was already getting ready to feed her and BAM! I got hit in the chest with some milk.

Where does mowing the yard fall?

Whoops, I should have read the instructions first. I voted 2 (Xbox One and 360) but should have counted 5 since I use my phone, tablet, and PC as well.

Wait, the Wii U has fanboys? Or is it meant to mean Nintendo in general? I feel like anyone who is that passionate about Nintendo they usually have a second console. If a Wii is the only thing they have, then usually they are either PC fanboys or not a fanboy of any console.

I got the update as part of the preview group, thought this update already went live for everyone else.

Uhhhh this is fucking crazy. And why would they make sex dolls look like children? That's just an extra layer of creepiness.

I'm STILL waiting on an update to Chrono Trigger for Android so I can, you know, PLAY the game on my SHIELD. Ughhh never again am I buying anything from SE on a mobile platform.

Yep, 360 has it built in to remember but I'm not sure if the Xbox One does or not. I would assume yes but there were many things it lacked that the 360 already had. The camera on the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes game is noninverted and has no option to invert. It is amazing I was able to 100% that game.

So how did Olenna know Sansa would wear the necklace? Because it was a gift and very pretty? Did she have a back up plan if she didn't wear it?

I thought $1/drink was standard? Definitely not low.

Well, you're not paying for the time the power is out because you're not consuming electricity at that moment so... yes, you pay your bill, but it should have already been adjusted.

What about places that don't have a server but have a place on the credit card slip for a tip?

If not beaten to death by an angry mob.

hahaha I thought he looked like a little douchey kid but punchable face is a better description.

Wow, this story just went to completely ludicrous to a level that I'm not sure has a word or phrase for it. Beyond ludicrous, they've all just gone plaid.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is one of my favorite games.