
Are you kidding me? Early FPS and first person POV games all were inverted by default and some had no option to change it. Top Gun on NES comes to mind, as well as Goldeneye (I need someone to confirm this though). It makes no sense for people to play non-inverted, at least to me.

Texas? You couldn't pick Mississippi or Arkansas? Damn you. Yes, I'm from Texas. No, I don't fuck my cousin and neither does anyone else I know.

Uhhhh... Current gen, not next gen. It's here., available for purchase right now. Current and last gen, not current and next gen.

Yep. When I went a little over 3 years ago I hopped on the subway. It was the oldest looking subway I have ever used. Above ground there were very modern looking buildings like a mall I visited though. Food was great and cheap.

looks like an upgrade. When I visited in 2010 it felt like I was riding on a subway straight out of 1962. It probably was that old.

Well how else can I teabag if I can't crouch?

Seriously, nothing short of being Helen Keller is an excuse. And if you are blind and deaf, what the hell are you doing driving vehicle anyway?

Italian Teens Home Video? Is that a porn?

Is the first pic a before photo? Because if it's an after she doesn't look a thing like her...

All of these kids are stupid.

I thought it had already dropped to $249 and now $199 for a month? Maybe I'm getting it confused with something else.

Dude is gonna get picked on even more now! What a douche.

Did I read this correctly? This incident happened in 2002 and they are being punished for it 13-14 years later? Huh?

It would be nice to have one included but I would rather a stereo headset adapter be included with the console... And this is probably because I'm still butthurt that I was foolish enough for buying a day one edition instead of waiting and getting it for $450 with Titanfall. Grrr. I'm an achievement whore but not that

You lost me at "5K marathon."

Wow. Never, never, never again will I preorder a new console. I really didn't think bundles and deals would come out this soon for the Xbox One.

Wow, first of all, this was a comment from 3.5 years ago. Second of all, I was being sarcastic and trying to think of one scenario where it might be more beneficial to use portrait recording. I am vehemently against portrait recording (for the record).

German has the highest RoR? Nice! I knew I wasn't making a mistake when I took Deutsch, now if only I could remember most of it...

Not impressed. Try cosplaying the Queen of Blades and maybe I will be impressed. Maybe.

Wow, the pedestrians that cross the street without looking... they deserve a near Darwin Award.