
On the other hand, I wonder if the sign holder quoting Guthrie knows that he was a Stalinist. It’s understandable that people hate fascists, but it is weird that Stalinists are viewed as merely quirky and naive rather than supporters of a regime that killed considerably more than fascism did.

You ask an excellent question! I’ll try to answer as succinctly as I can. The key to understanding Ruby’s actions, as with Oswald, is to understand his character. Gerald Posner does this far better than I can in his book “Case Closed,” but suffice to say there are numerous accounts that attest to Ruby’s mental

God that letter is so disorganized and full of speculation . And I so tire of the rhetorical argument that because person A has a connection to person B, person A must therefore be corrupt or otherwise in league with person B. It’s all a distraction to larger details far harder to refute. The fingerprints on the

I disagree. He tries to make grand films that require grand viewing experiences. His movies are meant to be seen in theaters, he’s been filming in IMAX and streaming his movies (particularly Interstellar and Dunkirk) on a TV isn’t the same. I think he’s just a purist and passionate about how movies should be viewed

*Two albums

I mean if you think of the stuff the classic 60s artists were releasing in the mid-80s, well...Beck and Weezer’s latest albums aren’t really that bad, 20-25 years out is often a rough time for rock bands.

That my friend is how you build a reputation . Billie Millen somehow managed to live through Normandy,survived Arnhem and the reat of the war - there is a statue of him on SWORD beach along with one of Mac Shimidh

“Gattaca! Gattaca! Gattaca!” — Ricky Coogin in Dog Day Afternoon

What about “Gattaca”?

More honest title “Sorry Indiana Jones Fans: There Will Be a 5th Jones Film”