
I really want to get the audiobook of "Blood Meridian" as read by Werner Herzog. Whoever is in charge of such things should put that at the top of their list.

Is there any other kind of vegan?


Do you also want to restrict the Constitution to everything else as it was then? Didn't think so.

While Ed Harris of Enemy at the Gates is lining up another one of the townfolk in his crosshairs.

Chris Isaak is the only one that comes close to his voice in my mind that could probably do the singing. Too bad he's probably too old to play Roy now.

"Let's play something else."

I disagree. They clearly can make an excellent screwball comedy ("The Hudsucker Proxy"). I think they just wanted to make a film about the hey-day of the studio system in the '50s, which they did perfectly. I do agree that there was a big shift from trailer to film, I fell for it myself. While I wasn't disappointed

A couple of my friends and I had read the book (which we loved) and were quite excited that the film was coming out. Needless to say our reactions on walking out of the theatre were all in the vein of "WTF was that?" Who is this Terrence Malick jerk-off to screw with our beloved Thin Red Line and make some artsy movie

7. Don't be Joe Buck or Bob Costas (especially Costas)

Not to mention that sleeping with your client is a breach of your ethical duties as an attorney - especially in a matrimonial case. You could've been sanctioned.

2 Seasons?!? Did you watch the 2nd season? It was complete and utter shite and possibly one of the worst seasons of television I've ever seen. I enjoyed the 1st, but then the 2nd cured me of ever having to watch those morons try to survive again.

So no Bob Fosse?


That one line about the "12 idiots on a jury to get it right" bothered me. He doesn't need 12 to get it right, he only needs one.

Face north and turn left real subtle-like.

It probably means the same thing that "Hope and Change" does. And look how many people bought that claptrap hook, line, and sinker.

On a side note, I hope that everyone watching this is making a strong note of the fact that should you ever be arrested your first (and only word) to the police should be "lawyer".

Really? The Hudson is pretty much right there - the East River is a bit of a hike from most of the UES