
Unfortunately, the parents of the victims are either not there (kids in sex slavery) or it’s the parents/relatives/babysitters taking the pics themselves.

Yeah, I feel bad for her, but then this whole situation is a lot closer to “really unfortunate” than a “great injustice.”

I completely understand that this must feel incredibly shitty for Gutierrez, and I actually agree with her that the way the organization handled it was weirdly incompetent, but am I the only person who feels like she could be, I dunno, more gracious and good-humored about the whole thing? I mean, no one ‘took your

I don’t think a press conference the next day would be appropriate because Ms Philippines should have her moment. I think they definitely could have called them both backstage and had someone announce what happened, remove the crown backstage and then send them both back out and crown the right person so she didn’t

There have been plenty of reports of his behavior on the set of Glee and abuse of his girlfriends. He’s a piece of shit, but only now has it come to light how deep his shit really is.

Being a minor celebrity probably actually contributed to his belief that he can do no wrong.

White Cheddar Popcorn

I always like it when my ethnic group is compared to Miller Lite, don’t you?

I was understating it for comedic effect, yes.

He was (and no doubt still is) kind of really fucking racist.

...kind of?

This sounds like something one of my ex-coworkers who’d brag about tricking Muslims into eating pork when he was in Iraq and tell us to rub bacon and sausage all over anything ordered by someone with a Middle Eastern-sounding accent would do.

Or like a cross to a Vampire. “The power of Pork compels you!”

That anti-Islamic people continue to think that bacon is to Muslims as kryptonite is to Superman is so hilarious.

Great. Can I wrap a used tampon around the door to a gun shop?

Ugh yes. I am the only woman on my husband’s side of the family (MIL and 3 SILs) who takes her rings off to swim in the lake at their lake house. One BIL already lost a pair of hundred dollar sunglasses in that murky shit, no way you’d ever find a ring.

Yeah, there was no chance in hell that was true. There are still people with even more money than Salling who want to make a bit more bank on Glee reruns and downloads, and having a convicted pedophile as part of the cast eats into your syndication/streaming deals. If there was any way this could have been explained

I hope that this will make those in the “Probably it was just 15-year-old fans miraculously discovering his phone number through no fault of his own and sending him photos of their boobs without any provocation, those clever minxes” camp shut the hell up.

Someone tipped off the cops in this case.

It could be the girlfriend who accused him of sexual assault and with whom he settled out of court (after suing his insurance company to handle it).