does it also means no photoshop?
does it also means no photoshop?
I have a “bikini body.” Because I have a body, and I put a bikini on it, full stop.
I’m the age where Rita Moreno means Sesame Street, so a Rita Moreno reference always makes me smile.
It’s so weird to call Puerto Ricans “immigrants.”
Because their lives aren’t hard enough already. Haha let’s force these kids into having children they’re not able to provide for and don’t want.
The book Girls on the Stand, went into the impossible nature of judicial bypass. When they called the courts, they were frequently given incorrect information. Just getting in front of the judge is almost impossible. But it was designed to be that way. They have the burden of navigating the legal system on a pregnant…
“God’s plan” for the minor.
A joke so nice you made it twice ;)
Martin Shkreli’s face: More or less punchable than Ethan Counch’s?
You flew too close to the pun.
Was this even a real company, or just a bunch of bros seeing how long they could rip people off?
Put the “ick” in Icarus.
I’m so ready for a soul music revival.
We are all Carole King.
All the times “Yas Queen” has been uttered, should have been saved for now.
When she sits at the piano and Carole King can’t fucking believe it:
I bet this is the first time anyone has felt any regret after ordering and eating Dominos.
Never underestimate arrogance that is reaffirmed by the court system.