I don’t follow the country music scene so I don’t know Joey Feek at all, but man, fuck cancer.
I don’t follow the country music scene so I don’t know Joey Feek at all, but man, fuck cancer.
I see an afterlife less as Heaven with clouds and angels and whatever, and more as you exist in the people who loved you and remember you. Even if you’re not there anymore, you’re still with them because of all that you were when you were alive.
I’ve never used a euphemism to describe my period, but I do love evocative gifs.
SERIOUSLY. Good for MK & A for being successful and finding another industry that they enjoy. It’s not their fault the other cast members never made it beyond their Full House fame.
Same. Even watching it as a kid, I knew it was absurdly cheesy and the writing was lazy. There are way too many shows I’d rather watch now, and any re-watch/reboot enthusiasm goes to Gilmore Girls.
Definitely glad to see another black character in the AG line, but I wish they had more characters of color in their Girl of the Year (or whatever it’s called now) line. Teaching stories of slavery and civil rights are essential, but kids should also be able to see their own contemporary experiences reflected.
This is hilarious! Thanks for passing it along.
I dunno; I’m very easily creeped out. I went to see Sweeney Todd, full well knowing what it was about and not feeling scared during the movie, and had creepy cannibal dreams afterward.
Is the goat just looking to get off? Because maybe then it could be more like animal husbandry, and you use artificial means to get that goat to ejaculate.
Apparently not and I’m kind of afraid to ask for more details.
There’s no chance I can watch The Witch because even horror movie trailers freak me out, but I am loving that the movie inspired a post about adorable goats.
Birth control was a lifesaver for me. I used to get my period every 2-3 weeks; it would last for 10 days with heavy flow for 7 and intense pain in the first couple of days. (Usually on the first, I’d feel stabbing pain from my pelvis down to the soles of my feet and would have a hard time moving at all.) Once I got on…
Thank you! And while there were a lot of hurdles overcome in the 70s with regards to women’s rights (Roe v. Wade being one), that doesn’t mean that women didn’t have all the freedom all the time all of the sudden. And that doesn’t even come close to the discrimination women of color were facing at the time.
Can this be like the Lifetime movie version, where everyone in it knows that it’s absurd and extreme drama that makes no sense with regard to actual human interactions?
I wish they could recut that movie without his character entirely. It wouldn’t change the plot much that I remember (although it’s been a while).
Reynolds always seems meh to me—I don’t dislike him, but I can never really remember if he’s himself or Bradley Cooper or some other kinda blonde square-chinned guy. But maybe Deadpool will be the movie that turns that around for me.
I’d argue that that’s still not rooting for Ryan Reynolds. The character and movie would still look fun with another actor in that role.
Disney, I have a soft spot for your movies. I even love Frozen! (I don’t have children so no one is playing this at my house 24/7, which might make a difference.)
When I have to agree with Chris Christie about “how is he behind these fucking fuckers,” you know it’s a crazy as fuck election season.
Dude, that’s a legit lovely nursery. It’s cozy but not twee and there’s gonna be baby there soon! Love to you all.