
"We both still have careers. Huh. I wonder who knows."

PLUS! He survived brain cancer!!!

Glad to hear that Bullock and her kid are okay, but what is up with the Kim Kardashian body-shaming thing? Was there supposed to be some commentary on the shittiness of the link? She's not my favorite, but she doesn't deserve to have her physical appearance constantly scrutinized and judged...

I am a girl and my dad tried to name me Thor, though that plan was vetoed by my mother. He still called me Thor for years.


Going to follow Yoko's advice and do the following:

This is why we need more sexual violence survivor advocates! At hospitals, at colleges, who are from a third party organization, can help survivors through reporting and be a resource for the aftermath. In a hospital setting, having a third person in the room monitoring police behavior, taking down badge numbers and

Erin, with all due respect, it's a little early to say that alumni are not responding. Thousands of us are outraged and have been flooding the HWS facebook pages with messages, calling the President's office and speaking with one another about how best and most effectively to respond. There is a facebook group

It is not fair to judge someone without really getting to know them, but I can very confidently say that if I ever met someone who said they didn't like Dolly Parton I would know pretty much I would want nothing to do with them. Luckily I have never met anyone who doesn't like Dolly Parton.

The thing that I can't understand in reading any of these stories is what the ACTUAL fuck is wrong with you if you stand around and laugh at someone being raped? Or mock someone's rape on Twitter or FB? How are so many people so awful? The rapists themselves are one thing, but the fucking bystanders, man. Ugh.

I'm not sure I agree. Applauding a college aged kid for "Doing the Right Thing" in the face of tremendous peer pressure to not do that thing seems like something we should probably do. That is a lesson that lots of people never learn at all, not just in a scenario like the one described above.

The fact that "her friend acted like a human being and not a rapist" is seen as a positive makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time. Craugh? I mean, yes, thank you for helping her, young man. That was a nice thing to do and I don't mean to diminish that because I'm sure it wasn't easy to stand up to a peer in

It's so funny how difficult people always claim to not be difficult. I work with major donors for a nonprofit and I promise you - my most pain in the ass donors are the ones who call themselves low maintenance. Generally, if you're an agreeable person you don't have to tell everyone how great you are.

I would be right on board with you EXCEPT that she threw her entire writing staff under the bus when she was on Grey's. It was such an insult to them and their work for her to PUBLICLY say "I refuse to win an award for my performance on the show because the writing was so shitty someone else deserves it." She was an

Christian Bale is widely considered one of the better actors of his generation, as well as a cash cow. He also profusely apologized to the guy he famously went off on, visited Aurora victims as well as a done a bunch of other - even if self serving - do gooder deeds.

Um, Christian Bale has definitely been called difficult. Russell Crowe. Rupert Everett. I don't deny there's also a lot of sexism involved but if difficult men are tolerated more than difficult women in Hollywood, it's also because the men are generally more profitable.

I eras her first book. (I thought it would be a cookbook or how to incorporate healthy foods in your diet.) The book had a lot of tips on how to taste a little of good tasting food (not necessary unhealthy food, but definitely not low cal). I am a former ED sufferer, and I felt her tips were straight out or boarder

Bethenny 100% has admitted body/eating issues,"The 5'5" Bethenny reveals she struggled with weight problems her entire life and battled eating disorders as well as exercise addiction. "I used to be 20 pounds heavier," Frankel, 39, tells Parade. "I would have been 50 pounds heavier, but I was white-knuckling it my

Since nobody is commenting on how the prosecutor mentioned "the reference to abortion is particularly repellent." but just to put it out there: abortion is illegal in almost all of Australia, and certainly NSW. Only medical exemptions are given, and the doctor can also consider the woman's financial circumstances and

Neilson says "pedophilia and incest have become acceptable".