Pearl With A Girl Earring

I don’t like her either and to be a doctor who questions the benefit of vaccines is unforgivable but she’s rallying and organising. HRC can’t contest the count in WI, PA, MI. Jill Stein is taking one for the team. It’s not like a recount or examination of the process will benefit her. She’s doing it because, shock

See, I don’t like that it’s the shape of his head, because unless people came and inspected my boobs really closely they wouldn’t be able to read the words and so they might think I just liked him...

If you want to donate supplies, there is a list of needs (pay close attention to the details — for example, they need sleeping bags, but sleeping bags that can go down to at least -10) and a link to an Amazon wishlist here. Winters in ND are brutally cold, so keeping people warm is crucial to protecting their safety

Worse; an unelected operative who doesn’t see any distinction between their business brands and their presidency.

Every day I see the racist tendencies being passed on to peoples children on my facebook.

aren’t we glad we didn’t elect some WOMAN who would be worried about her appearance all the time instead of concentrating on her job?!!!

As much as I hate to think that way, there is wisdom in what you are thinking. The problem is that we’ve been conditioned on both sides to think America is some kind of special exception to the rule. We don’t think the shit that occurs in the 3rd World or in banan republics could occur here, as if we lived in a

They cried “The election is rigged” until “Trump won, get over it!”

This is what got me all through the election. How did his supporters, who constantly criticized Hillary for being dishonest, not realize Trump was constantly lying about everything and - probably more importantly to his supporters - the things he was promising to do are, almost without exception, impossible to

I posted this down below, but it’ll get lost in the greys (sigh).

Yes, this magnanimous gesture of “not appointing a special prosecutor to help heal” or whatever, continues the dangerous narrative that any of it is up to him.

I’m having the same reaction I had after a break up, where I loved being asleep and actively hated being awake because of reality.

I still literally cannot believe this man is our next president.

A bunch of Midwesterners being dumbasses isn’t a coup.

What the hell is wrong with these people. You don’t have a meeting with the President-elect to discuss what the press pool is. That’s ridiculous. At most you’d meet with the chief of staff or more likely the press head (if there is one yet, maybe not). This is so bizarre, I can’t understand how they didn’t know they

Because he likes to bully for the fun of it. There doesn’t have to be a strategic point. Dominance itself is the point for him.

You guys, I’m a little worried that Trump’s business dealings in foreign countries full of brown people aren’t going to fix the economic anxieties of his supporters.

The greatest generation liberated the world from the Nazi’s and the Japanese, but they did not and could not confront the racism, hatred, and intolerance in their own lives until forced to by minorities. They were mostly good people, who went to church, believed in hardwork, but also for the large part oblivious and

George Takei recently shared a spin on “They came first for the Communists” that I find fitting. It went something like:

This is such a beautifully written and heartbreaking piece. It really boggles my mind that there are people who are all “let’s give Trump a chance” and “he’s not going to be THAT BAD as the media is portraying”.