
This is my first time posting on here, and my only hope is that I don’t get lost in the greys!!

I went to go see Tarzan in theatres. It was my first movie theatre experience and I was like, three. Phil Collins started singing You’ll Be In My Heart, and I started crying and stood up in my high chair-clad seat and yelled, “A gorilla will never be in my heart! Jesus is the only thing in my heart!”

On a commuter train home. I was reading the final book in a series I loved and it seemed as if the beloved main character was dead. I was legit sobbing. Don’t judge me, I get really attached to book characters.

He means no longer a crisis for certain people. No one gives a fuck about certain other people.

I hope your comment gets out of the grays because that is a shockingly ignorant thing to say and I really hope people don’t actually think that. In Westernized countries, HIV is largely not a crisis and in places with reliable access to health care it is no longer a death sentence but some areas of world (particularly

omg is that a ghost

PEOPLE WHO INTERRUPT THE CASHIER WHO’S DEALING WITH SOMEONE ELSE, EVEN IF IT’S TO ASK A SIMPLE QUESTION, ARE GARBAGE PEOPLE AND SHOULD ALL FALL DOWN, REPEATEDLY!!!! (sorry, this Monday is having a case of the Mondays and I’m being a grumpy-face and that was something I HATED. I mean HATED!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!1!!!!one!!!

Having been in the other [insert here]-free places? My experience suggests the exact opposite is more likely; that almost everyone in line will be an asshole.

Yeahhhhhhhh... I think I'm still going to avoid purchasing any of their products. I have indie makeup brands that I trust, & this one is just too shady & clusterfuck-y to even try.

I acknowledge that she is an extremely talented artist and that we should strive to focus on people’s talents and skills before their appearance

Are... Are you my Grandmother?


My six year old’s favorite breakfast is scrambled eggs and avocado slices. I’m terrified that he’s going to start doing Crossfit during recess.

My male partner in sex and romance (he’s asked that I call him this when referencing him in my Kitchenette commenting from now on), has only recently started drinking coffee. (Yes, he is an adult. No, I don’t know what’s wrong with him.)

::raises hand:: I do. Whenever I made something new, I made sure there was plenty of something I knew they liked to go with it. The rule was, three bites. Three bites of anything new, and if after the third bite you still didn’t like it, you could fill up on everything else, but that was dinner, and we would be having

Like, it’s not hard to do lots of things, but I’m not doing them because I’m behind a counter without a regular coffee brewer. Life is an endless tapestry of which we only catch a glimpse, huh? SO ORDER YOUR AMERICANO AND MOVE ON.

I think what drives me nuts is the “It’s JUST/How hard is that...” thing. I work in a bakery with espresso. All kinds of baked goods, but the coffee is literally JUST espresso drinks (and cold brew). A couple of times a day I’ll get someone who says “But how hard is it just to make a cup of drip coffee?” Well, not


this BOOK was so fucking RIDICULOUS BUT WONDERFUL and the horror junkie and classics nerd in me are REJOICING