I am very fucking sorry you feel that way.
There’s a great interview that she did - I think maybe it was with Seth Meyers? - where she said that as a child she wanted to change her name because no one could pronounce it, and her mother told her: “If they can learn to say Tchaikovsky and Michelangelo and Dostoyevsky, they can learn to say Uzoamaka.” Truth.
I was astonished that he could spend weeks on vocal training and not learn how to sit ass first in a chair. It’s like he just bent his knees until he was chair-height—Americans don’t insinuate themselves into recumbence! Good grief.
For my 18th birthday, I moved out and my mom found my condoms under my old bed and brought them to my new apartment with a bow on it and said, “You left these. I figured your party would be better with them.” It’s no blow in a limo, but my mom knew what was up.
Guess they didn’t follow the excellent advice John Scalzi retweeted...
“Welcome to Zales. Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.”
I understand that the filmmakers might be afraid a title like “The Price of Salt” would be confusing, but “Carol” is such a colorless, dull alternative.
I fucking love this. She is dressing, acting, and singing about normal 18 year old girl stuff. She is 18 and True Grit was 5 years ago. I can’t be mad at her because I am an old person who expects her to be doing anything other than what an 18 year old super rich white girl would do, and she’s singing about…
I think that’s going to be a game-changer technology, but I also want to point out that we already have lots of cheap, sustainable meat alternatives- beans, pulses, psuedo-cereals and the like. We’ve just developed this terrible habit of expecting meat at every meal and wanting bacon on everything.
“Could be worse - I used to spend my disposable income on cocaine!” *drop mic, exit stage left*
“He looked and saw he had nowhere to go other than running, and I said, ‘I can outrun you. Give it up.’
Please consider this as vocational training:
How do we know the Minion wasn’t the one to push her out in the first place? WAKE UP AMERICA!!!
MADELEINE, DID YOU EVEN SEE SYDNEY LEROUX’S MASTERFUL CONTOURING?? As if there weren’t already enough reasons to be totally in love with the US women’s soccer team.