
Pls start a kinja blog for that on here! I think it would be amazing and I would join (or assist if needed) INSTANTLY.

Omg sittaaaaa!! I just added Ursula K. Le Guin (AND Octavia Butler) books to my Amazon wishlist last week cus I heard people raving about her on a sci-fi thread. What book should I start with!? Not much into YA but I just glanced at the synopsis and I need to read Only Ever Yours.

My cat loves all food. He's also a horrible mooch and just generally a butt who refuses to learn good manners. He will climb ALL OVER YOU if you have food, just trying to get at that food. And then he tries to grab the plate. Or will smack your fork as you bring it to your mouth. And if you try to spray him with water

Any time someone claims the "thigh gap" obsession is self-imposed by women, men give no fucks about thigh gap, they have never given it any consideration, etc., etc., a link to The Chive should automatically appear. Straight men's sexuality is toxic.

Mah freeze peach! XKCD is always relevant:

I think when a guy who's supposed to vote on the bill shows he doesn't even understand AT ALL what it's about, he should be kicked the fuck off the comittee or something.

a. she rapped about being a slave master

Guardian has been killing it lately, and we should talk about it

good luck on the job hunt. Crush it and don't settle!!!!

Lush is fantastic, I absolutely love their new-ish makeup line. I actually just wash my face with honey (and my body with Honey I Washed The Kids).

I really like the iffy stuff she did when she was young and I think that's how she grew up to be so amazing. not to derail, but I kind of think Angelina Jolie's exploration of herself when she was young, and her ability to allow herself to make mistakes, really let her figure out who she was and embrace that sense of

and at least one study showed that Jolie had been the impetus for a dramatic increase in women researching whether they too were carriers.

Hell, doing iffy stuff when we're young is how we become worthwhile when we're old. What's that Blake line about the path of excess leading to the palace of wisdom?

Did you miss this part?: "After Jolie's last op-ed, there was a rash of conversation over whether mastectomies for women who carry the BRCA1 gene were really the best way to go; some women said Jolie inspired them to get tested and have the same surgery she had, and at least one study showed that Jolie had been the imp

Have I mentioned how much I love strong women? And this one in particular? They may not be the right choices for everybody, but they're right for her. Now get rid of that Pitt guy and marry me!

And I like how everyone thought of him as an eccentric character. And now he just seems to have evolved to basic.

finally: a flower crown idea I can get behind. gorgeous makeup, too! what is that lip color??

I can imagine little less chic than those jeans.

I am just now realizing that she is NOT the lady from that vampire show, being called by her character name for maximum twee.

This is so fabulous. I love the idea of getting a peak behind the curtain at the lives / careers of successful women. This is also beautifully shot. I know Janet Mock is gorgeous already, but damn. So excited for this feature! I'd love a video on Melissa Harris Perry, if we can make requests!