

Who wants to pay an exorbitant cost to watch a sea of recording cellphones? 

Best/worst one so far:

My favorite Onion headline from around the time Supersize Me was in theaters:

Amusingly Twitter was dunking on him this week, well that’s some timing.

Roseanne Barr. By the left-wing.

Kathy Griffin. By the right-wing.

They tried this crap in the mid-90s too:

watched half of the first season, it was quite ... boring. nothing really exciting, and the usual glorification of law enforcement.

Kid Rock is 53 years old and Young Thug is 32, so that’s definitely a thing.

That’s absolutely horrifying. It makes me wonder, what are the chances charges will be filled for the hotel selling incriminating footage to the perpetrator?

Regrettably, I watched the video. This guy is fucking toast.

I think the video serves as an important reminder to hesitate before doing the kind of logical nitpicking that often happens in these cases. I could certainly imagine people going, “Wait, you’re saying P Diddy managed to run down a hallway at a fancy hotel, grab a woman, and kick her twice, all while wearing a towel?

It’s truly satisfying to see someone who is such a piece of shit getting caught redhanded after so righteously claiming their innocence. 

It goes to show, if you want your superstition taken seriously, send knights to slaughter millions of innocent people until legitimacy is attained.

I don’t think it’s edgy to criticize a cult. People say and do awful things in the name of religion every day. And fuck those people, right? Right?

I’m sorry, but what makes his take “edgelord”? Are all atheist takes edgelord?

Tribalism is ingrained in the human condition. It served an important evolutionary purpose which humans no longer require in order to succeed as a species. I find it troubling how many think that “Separate but equal’ is a viable option for society. Historically it has never worked. Not one time. People believing that

Based on her recent credits for Culprits and Sugar, I think she just goes by Kirby now.

Also, it’s been three years since the show started. Exactly how long are we supposed to not talk about potentially spoilery things on the off-chance someone reading is interested in the show but for some reason hasn’t started yet?