
The thing that got me was that it’s a German movie, but it’s overdubbed with British accents.

If you can, find the BBC show, Two Greedy Italians. It’s the best Italy travel/cuisine show, ever. It’s two old men, Antonio and Genero, going back to Italy for the food. They bickered like an old married couple. It was great.

Let me ride you while you get sucked off!”

Whatever you do, don’t Google Testicles in Thighs.

The fat people criticizing Taylor should really look up “Thinspiration” and see what body dismorphia does to people. I saw one of those forums years ago and it was very saddening to see what these girls were doing to themselves. They’re skin and bones, but still feel that they’re fat. Other girls would give advice and

They had me at Rhea Perlman. The world needs more of her.

Maybe he visits between movies.

Brother Boy was the best part of Sordid Lives.

You don’t need to exhume anyone to do a DNA test to see if you have any type of ancestry to a group. All you are doing is checking to see if your DNA matches a phenotype of a group of people who share a phenotype. We’re not looking for direct to a specific person lineage, here.

Only one Alice Cooper Song?

How about getting HBO to make the subtitles larger, like Netflix. I gave up on the show within 2 episodes because the subs were too small to read. I tried using large closed captioning, but I wasn’t about to sit through an entire show with closed captioning for every work spoken.

The Rock has been in several R-Rated movies.

Also, in 1981, it was still okay to hit someone else’s kid.

It’s still hard to believe how young he was when he died. He had a career people 20 years older wished they could’ve had.

I just watched The Winchesters. It’s okay if you forget any and all of the backstory of John and Mary from Supernatural (which they also changed in later seasons with the introduction of The Men of Letters). I’m hoping for a young Bobby to show up at some point, still being played by Jim Beaver. Or Crowley, although,

Forget they ever happened. It’s best that way.

To this day, I still feel that Lori’s death was a cop-out. In the books, she and the baby were torn apart by walkers during the prison escape.

Now, by stench, should there be sub-categories like body odor, dirty laundry, foot odor, etc.?

The Talamasca ties the vampires and witches together in the same universe. The Talamasca (like The Watchers in Highlander) is introduced with the Mayfair Witches and shows up, down the line, in the Vampire Chronicles. The witches were also mentioned in Interview (the show).

Are you fucking kidding me? Now the link won’t work?