
Like Jennifer Tilly’s prostitute on Key West?

Walker is boring as fuck. At least the first few episodes were. I couldn’t do it. I’m hoping Independence is better.

Kodi sucks. Repos are always getting taken down. Then you have to find a new one and install it. After that, you’re lucky if the links are working. If they are, that they’re not buffering constantly. I tried Kodi for a week and went straight back to downloading torrents and using the Emby app to stream from my


His friend high-tailed it.

People have suspected these guys for years.

Blood Ties was a pretty good show with Christina Cox. It only lasted a season because Lifetime did absolutely nothing to promote it.

Or Ann Wilson.

Off topic. I didn’t know Freeform was part of Disney. I have to say, Disney sucks at advertising shows. Freeform has had a few shows that were really good, but killed off before their time because no one knew they were on. Being on more well known channels would have served the shows better. The only way I knew the

Got news for ya, Directv is the exact same way. I had Directv for over 25 years (finally got rid of it a couple of years ago) and every few years, a bunch of channels would disappear because of negotiations. They’d come back in a week or so.

I was disappointed and pleased with the show. Disappointed in that I’m an Anne Rice fan and the glaring liberties that were taken are more than annoying. Rice’s vampires did not have retractable teeth, nor did they have blood covered feedings. They fed cleanly. All to not draw attention to themselves. Just to name a

It was actually pretty good, if you forget that it’s supposed to be based on a book because they change a lot of shit. Anne Rice’s vampires did not have retractable fangs for fucksakes!

There were a couple of Bon Jovi songs that did. Also, on MTV, they played Living on a Prayer every hour for a week. It wasn’t just rotation, it was advertised.

Don’t bother with Tales. It’s a shitshow.

The Walking Dead. I enjoy the show, and Fear the Walking Dead. The one with the kids was meh. The new Tales anthology was fucking terrible. The only shining light was the Alpha episode. And even that could’ve been better. I thought they got someone else to play Alpha, then realized that Samantha Morton lost a bit of

It’s something about that channel. The CW/WB shat out quite a few faith based actors.

I’d get nominated for an Academy Award.

I’m going to have to rethink my Atheism.