pearl mcelheran

Tomlin and Fonda are terrific. Sheen and Watterston are excellent actors but somehow don't seem right for their roles, particularly Sheen.

Sol is Sol and true to his character, but must he value factual truth over emotional truth? He should never have told Robert about his night with Frankie. He only or at least mainly did it to ease his conscience, not out of consideration for Robert or for Frankie. Same with the Kenny Loggins story, although he

How about all those black English actors in "Selma"? or Daniel Day Lewis in "Lincoln"? Actors ACT the part; they are not THE part.

He's very British. Doesn't belong in Chicago. Although I liked him well enough, I never "bought him" as a Chicago lawyer. (Of course, Eli is very British too and has never seemed like an American political consultant to me; but he's fun on the show.)

Agreed. Taking that door down to use as a desk was very unrealistic. Not only would it have been too heavy for her to manage on her own, it would also have been unnecessary. She may not have a job at the moment but she's not poor. If she needed a desk there are plenty of office supply stores where she could have

Would love a tell-all or even a tell-some by Christine Baranski.

Why do you doubt that Finn is joining Alicia? Would you rather join Alicia than Lady Mary? ;)

It's nice to see a functional, happy family and a lead character who is not as mannered as Julianne Margolis.

I'd like this season to end with Peter's asking Alicia for a divorce! How many times does he have to apologize and be rejected? He should be able to move on with his life too. Neither of them are without inappropriate affairs. One is not better than the other. Must he be punished forever? He has at least tried.

You'd think Alicia was the only wife who had ever been cheated on. Not that I excuse Peter, but I'm very tired of Alicia's continuing to hold this grudge forever, not being able to forgive him, and move on. She's been far from exemplary herself. Her affairs have been very inappropriate.

Exactly. Alicia has stopped being likable. Of course, who on the show is likable? The writers have damaged everyone. Not that we wanted the characters to be saints, but it seems to me the writers have stuck a knife into everyone - often made them act entirely out of character in so doing.

I agree with many of the criticisms made of this episode. Still, I liked it better than most of the recent episodes. So glad to get away from those political campaign episodes. They were really dreadful and boring and silly. More courtroom scenes please. And I hope we through with Bishop, too.

Yes, it was so annoying to see Kalinda as basically a baby sitter this season.

Agree with almost everything you wrote, except for Alicia's brother. Really disliked him. All of Alicia's family are really annoying, except I don't hate Peter as much as everyone else seems to.

If Julianne Moore wants fewer courtroom scenes; fine. Spend time with the rest of the cast. I disliked the campaign scenes. That's not why I have watched every single episode of TGW since it first started. Anyway it would have been more fun is Purdy had won; then Alicia could have stayed with the firm and we could

Always thought Alicia was smarter than she apparently is. After a grueling campaign of her own and several of Peter's, she still as naive as can be. As soon as Eli tells her how to say "no" by saying "yes," she immediately does just that. She's apparently learned nothing about politics or about Eli. And amazingly,

Yeah, remember Diane wanted to promote and keep Carey over Alicia. Will convinced her otherwise or, if not convinced her, won the day. This animosity between Carey and Diane has always seemed false in view of the earlier episodes.

You nailed it exactly.

Maybe only slightly smarter than Prince Charles. After all, Will didn't want to be a tampax.

Alicia's attracted to Finn? Alicia's attracted to everyone. Getting tired of it. All pretty inappropriate relationships. Time for her to grow up.