pearl mcelheran

I don't think the frigid Lady Mary will exhaust him. Alicia, probably. Actually, I'm not a Finn fan. He's so stilted.

Wow. Me too. I've gotten so disappointed in TGW that I've turned my attention to "Madam Secretary" and am quite enjoying it. I am still watching TGW but with every recent episode, I think about throwing in the towel.

If only that were so. I never wanted her to be the AG. And Nils Crane would have been a better one. I don't want to see her clashing with her old friends. Loyalty among these friends was part of the joy of the show, even when they fought.

Yay. I'd much rather see Clark Hayden and/or Taye Diggs than David Lee and Louis Canning!

Totally miss her. Perhaps the writers are giving Kalinda as much screen time as they can before she bails. Then they'll bring Robin back.

Total agreement. Like you, I have watched GW from the very beginning - every episode - but I was so bored with this latest episode that I begin to wonder if I would continue to watch. The only thing that would make all the machinations in Alicia's mind worthwhile would be for her to announce that she's quitting the

Yes, Bunting was such a one-dimensional character. Fellows is incapable of showing a working class socialist to be anything but rude. As such, keep her away from Tom who, in Fellows' eyes, has redeemed himself by marrying into gentry! As for Edith, I had sympathy for her up until this season. Now her continued