Yeah, I'd still go there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah, I'd still go there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Did you ever know that you're my hero?
The Gift of Fear?
Ruffalo the Fluffy Buffalo. 😍
Absolutely on point. I don't get the haterade that gets thrown her way.
That whole comment thread is just... I don't even know. 😫😣
Zooey D’s house is a Pinterest board come to life AND I LOVE IT!
Dude, I got dumped the week before my senior prom (also “in love with someone else”) and was so upset. Now I’m glad he didn’t go through with it because this was exactly what would have happened. Yesh.
I'm not going to tell any stories, but thank the gods it all happened before Facebook. 😳
I now have a desperate need to visit the Pottery Barn outlet.
This is good gifting. 👏
Who hates on Moulin Rouge? They are clearly misguided individuals.
Gotta be a good “fit” for the “culture”. *wink*
Well, that's just not kosher. 😜
If vintage fur is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Wait wait wait.
That dog is giving great face.
But did the ringtone echo?
I'm definitely in the minority with that opinion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fuck that guy. Actually no, don’t fuck him, stay away from him. You don’t need someone in your life who isn’t supporting you being happy and healthy.