
Yup, whenever I check good ol' disquis it alerts me to your latest vapid sputterings. Thank you! As I always tell my great-grandkids, laughter is like an instant vacation.

Awwww shyit. Hail naw you dint. Aloe! I need me some aloe to put on that burn. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, son!

Yes, I've made comments in a comments section. Thank you for pointing that out, fellow commenter. Now the internet is also on notice that you have your own opinion. Glorious day! And when did I say I wasn't interested in reading it? I'm very interested in reading articles that show how basic argumentative skills

And yet in the very same breath you admit here in black and white that I've made you very sad. Poor space robot. Poor, confused space robot. You can continue blathering all you want, but it won't change the fact that you embarrassed yourself here. This hastily written schoolgirl tantrum of a blog entry is

I understand that for pseudo-Progressives, any comment that upsets the unanimity of the echo chamber is a "troll" comment, but I exist in the reality-based community.

Aw… wrong once again. I'm here to tell the world that's it's depressing to see such infantile writing in a once-sophisticated publication. You'll note the lack of orders in my posts.

Which is depressing enough. That this drivel is funded by them is even more dismal.

Yes, we know—this is you being bored and not caring what I say. We get it.


Any time, Asfer.

I love the way you feel you have the authority to control the way I express myself. It's classic pseudo-Progressive delusional behavior, and it's genuinely amusing. Your position is that the AV Club is totally autonomous and in no way reflects the mothership's cultural intentions, branding, mission, legacy, or

Cool story, space robot. However, it has nothing to do with my initial comment. When AV Club was included in The Onion, The Onion was a funny AND sophisticated publication. I understood then that AV Club was not satire, and I understand it now. What AV Club used to be, however, was smart, sophisticated and,

I know what you're getting at—I've read the AV Club for a long time now. Do you realize that you're quibbling, or no?

It's no longer owned by The Onion?

RIP The Onion. Twas funny and sophisticated once, a long, long time ago. This shrill, amateurish, fallacious crap would be embarrassing in a high school newspaper.

Ok, so you don't like logic. But do you like the fact that Hillary eats babies?

Well, Hillary says that woman who are the victims of sexual abuse or rape deserve to be believed. And there are many out there who insist that Bill did that to him.

Many Americans consider the number 11 million to be a lot. Call them crazy, but they think 11 million is a lot. And people living in border states feel even more strongly about it. But what do they know. Damned ignorant racists. So… we HAVE effective border control and… that's a GOOD thing? But… having BETTER

When I was is in Dublin some years ago, everyone wanted to talk about Eminem. So what? The media portrays Trump as racist without back it up, and saying "He really is racist" really isn't an argument. As for Trump "having a problem with women" I think you must be talking about Bill Clinton. Right? Want to get into

Are you offended that I entered your echo chamber? Did it trigger you? You should build a wall.