
So, you're changing the subject. If it's ok with you, I'll stick to the issue Trump was attacked for—the issue we were talking about—which was his comment about illegal aliens. There are plenty of studies showing that illegal aliens commit more violent crime, per capita.

I think you're being sarcastic.

I'm more of a Takismag kinda guy.

He asserted that the illegal aliens coming to America were rapists and criminals and that some were good people. Which is absolutely true—Mexican illegal aliens are made up of of rapists, criminals, good people, people with both good and bad sides—you know, like, on Game of Thrones? His point, not perfectly

An openly racist candidate? What is an example of "open racism" that he has openly stated?

I'm curious, what part of Trump's platform calls for the use of institutions to engage in discriminatory practices on the basis of race.

Sounds snappy, but it's nonsense.

Well, for starters, because a religion isn't a race.

Wow. I feel so special to be here at the exact moment that the snark went flat and The Onion officially became irrelevant.

Deep down inside, you hated being a critic.

Tell it to Donald Sterling.

Thanks for the anecdotal fallacy, comrade.

"They think the onus is on the person being offended, not the person doing the offending."

"Of course, the idea of simply being a good enough person to not say the wrong thing at all doesn’t occur to Corgan or Jones,"

You call that a knife? That'a not a knife… It doesn't matter. You're entitled to savor your yeast paste on your criminal isle.

It's because you're Australian. On the bright side, I still—inexplicably—hear "From the land Down Under" playing somewhere just about every week. By the way, Vegemite sucks.

Glad to see The Onion is an equal opportunity employer. We need to hear the totally clueless airhead who has been told her whole life she's smart's perspective from time to time. Kudos, The Onion. Kudos.

I'd rather stay here and bring up the fact that you defend the fake-rape Rolling Stone article.

Cool story, brah.

A "troll" is anyone who challenges your sad, Progressive rulebook, because you can't win in an actual debate.