Peapod the Pocket Squirrel

Every big city in Texas is blue. It’s when you get outside of the cities into the suburbs and then the small towns that it gets decidedly red.

Alex, go home, your drunk posting on Gizmodo again.

You really want to ask that question of Ben Franklin. 

So, basically, the Great Schism?

That detail about stealing Sweet’N Low from a restaurant is the most telling for me. I remember a cop coming to my school in elementary school and telling a story about some poor woman who he caught stealing cards from the local Hallmark store, and trying to get a laugh at how pathetic she was. I mean, at least she

The Pulitzer Prize goes to the journalist who uncovers evidence that someone in this Administration isn’t a huge criminal.

That asshole is one of the reasons I left Texas.- True Quote by Me

Which isn’t even right. Angelou said “Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational battle station.”

Looks to me like TWO things melted, thankyouverymuch.

Kind of but not really slow news. It’s pretty much the ‘light side’ of the extraordinarily brutal (and deadly) summer it’s been to Japan as a whole; crazy rain floods, and now well-above-average temperatures.

Would you prefer reading that Dolt 45 has tweeted us into a shooting war?

My takeaway from your brain dump is that there’s a lot of potential synergy between our respective goal-orientations and I think a exploring collaborative partnership could be deeply impactful at moving the needle.

Imagine having a job where you have to perform some mildly unpleasant tasks. I guess it’s lucky that I take great pleasure from every conference call I have to attend.

I’m surprised he wasn’t fired for letting a non-employee handle merchandise and participate in employee activities. Liability! That’s how jaded my heart’s been lately. So, I was relieved.

Everything sucks and we’re just looking for an excuse to feel better.  I can see how people would donate a few bucks to give themselves a little boost.

Right, I’m recommending the recipe for Peruvian cebiche, not CaliMexican “ceviche.”

This is nice, but my cold, dead heart can only see how far we’ve lowered the bar for what qualifies as inspirational. The worker was simply acting like a decent human being; that should be the baseline.

Company With Unsustainable Business Plan Unable To Sustain Business As Planned 

This kid got full-on Tom Sawyer'd though, right?