Peapod the Pocket Squirrel

Diana, I’m a woman who’s not even all that into watching sports, but I read Deadspin almost daily because I do enjoy sports journalism. Whenever I see your byline, that article is a “must click” for me because your writing is that excellent.

Ok, this article reminds me of something that happened in 8th grade when we read The Crucible. We learned about all the adults they executed. Then we learned about couple babies put to death. Finally, teacher mentions that they also Killed a couple dogs and all the (white) girls in class let out a collective

I’m wondering how diverse the panel that makes these decisions is. I’m guessing not very or they’d have known better.

I’m curious, how long ago was this? ‘Cause they were promoting back is best when my baby brother was born over 20 years ago and google tells me that’s been their position since 1992. Three years ago, I got shit from the nurses in the hospital cause they didn’t believe my newborn was strong enough to roll onto his side

The Academy is firmly in the camp that “back is best.” Please don’t spread dangerous misinformation.

I had a neighbor who grew up with Selena and their families were close. She said that Geraldo went down to Corpus to cover the memorial and acted completely disgusting to Selena’s cousins and sister and friends. When she told us this story, i figured she meant he was inappropriately flirtatious with grieving family,

The DA is now saying that the Sherrif never consulted them about potential charges and had he done so they would have told him there’s nothing to charge as it’s a free speech issue of course.

That gossip was pretty glorious and would make for an excellent episode!

I’m in Houston and FEMA has a few temp offices around town where people can file papers. I know that as of a few weeks ago, my local FEMA office was also accepting donations of material goods, ostensibly to redistribute to our harder hit neighbors down the road. WTF is going on in Puerto Rico? How can so many people

I’m partial to Cerave brand but cetaphil makes a nonsoap cleanser that works great for my kid. Sams has a huge tub of Cerave cream for $14 so maybe you could find a similar price online? I recently tried Alba super emollient body wash and that felt nice on the skin. I’ve also tried and liked Skinfix lotion which is

To your point about the gun lobby, Roseanne Cash of all people has an op ed in the NYT where she plainly states the NRA sponsors domestic terrorism. Took my breath away reading that, and I hope more country stars follow her lead.

Heh, this guy used to live in my suburb before he bought the most expensive house in Houston and moved on up. He’s got a collection of very expensive sporty cars, which I know were his because each vehicle had a vanity plate with his name. The highest I ever saw was “Buzbee 8,” so he at least had that many.

Aw, that’s sweet! And I’ve leaned something new, not having heard of oxygenation exercises before!

Wow, thank you for this info. I heard an interview where the mayor said that soon She expects there to be deaths on the order of a genocide. Reading this, it seems like that’s exactly the plan.

I’m making an effort this year to grow things for the first time and so far all my plants either came from a kit or Aldi, but they’re staying alive so far! I have one window with really good sun where they rotate and I try not to water until the soil is dry or they’re droopy from the sun since I’ve tended to drown

You mention your parents - are they of an age/health where you might need to move closer to them sooner rather than later anyway?

My mom immigrated to the valley from Mexico and that area is like a second home to me (I’m from Houston). I always advocate for RGV area cause it’s so misunderstood even in Texas. This skin color hierarchy thing is everywhere, although that aspect you mention of “being so far away” from the rest of the country is

But Atencio reached the end of the ride this weekend.

It’s ok to feel self-pitying and scared and worried! Even if nothing really “happens” to you, it’s ok to feel this weird mix of emotions because it’s a serious event you’re going through!

From a Harvey survivor in Houston... sending you good vibes and prayers.