Peapod the Pocket Squirrel

Lol, my husband started trolling Texas A&M forums after the election, which I cannot understand but chalk it up to everybody grieves in their own way.

Thank you for bringing this up. We are busy here cleaning up and in many cases trying to meet basic needs of food and shelter. It’s gonna take people at a distance right now to keep the pressure on about these kinds of things.

Aw man, I’m sorry to hear that. Hope your cousin made out ok otherwise.

I’m down here just a couple miles away from that rain gauge that set the national record. Watched military vehicles drive through the waters while we ventured out to see if we couldn’t enter our home yet (nope!). My MIL stood in line at Walmart for 2 hours with anxiety about another storm system forming in the

Regarding point 2, I’m not sure that’s the case. There’s terrible flooding all around JSC that’s not from storm surge. Also, all the water upstream will be flowing into Galveston Bay in the days to come and may make flooding at the end of the line (near NASA) worse.

Osteen’s father in law said they would open when other shelters were full. At the moment he was being interviewed, our convention center was already nearly double capacity and they were prepping two stadiums to open. I guess he meant when absolutely every other building in town was full of rescues?

An evacuation would have been deadly with thousands trapped in traffic as the waters rose. You can check out what happened during Rita for an idea. There’s simply not a way to evacuate millions with days notice. Also, many places that have never flooded previously are destroyed now. For most people, it is far safer

I’m barely beginning to wrap my head around this storm. I’m Latina in an area between a lot of diversity with immigrants and Muslim folk and a rich white suburb. I don’t know how the immigrant communities full of small businesses will recover. I’m glad Houston proper shelters are not asking for papers

To make it even worse, We’ve been advised NOT to call 911 unless it’s for water rescue as they can’t handle anything else right now.

A Coldplay concert was cancelled here on Friday and the radio played a bit of a song they wrote about Houston. At first I laughed cause it’s so ridiculous, but then I started crying and couldn’t stop. Thank you to everyone who is helping however you can!

I went through Ike in an 80+ year old house near downtown Houston and there was a moment that night where I felt the house would fall down around me with that wind roaring, and of course Harvey is much more powerful. Seeing the pics of Rockport and knowing people rode it out fills my deepest lizard brain with dreadful

We’ll see. We’ve got a couple days of rain to go. Our overflow reservoir was already in bad condition before and a failure would be apocalyptic. I’ve seen two giant sinkholes in the freeway.

I read that some areas might get 60" and that would be considered a million year storm.

That last video shows a neighborhood that is literally across the street from a Superfund site.

The area is not handling this flooding well, despite being a city built to flood. Everything is under water, including a bunch of areas that do not flood typically. Emergency services are completely overwhelmed and the main public hospital is evacuated. This is unprecedented even for this city.

Trying to upload pic from this morning, hope it works. Taken by a neighbor.

Ah interesting about the slope! Our buildings are perpendicular to the water and I’m told the Ike storm surge reached second floor of the first few units closest to the water. I’m on 3rd floor and will probably be ok but a lot of folks have at least lost their cars! I was around for Allison but this is pretty nuts.

I’m in Friendswood currently and used to live here, but my home is in Clear lake! You know how much of Friendswood sits along waterways and forest bend neighborhood (near Wedgewood village elementary) seems to have gotten hit hard.

I’m a long time lurker who lives about 30 miles south of downtown. This is worse than Ike and Allison. I’m trying to stay calm for my child but we have a long road to go before the water recedes. They’re evacuating hospitals in our med center and had helicopter rescues in my old neighborhood. I’m in a safe location

Hello! I live across that road from you in the blue condos. We evacuated out before the storm as we’ve got a small child but our neighbor reports that water from clear creek is almost touching the 2nd floor balconies, which are higher up than yours. Stay safe and good luck!