Here’s hoping the next school board election brings more women to the board, or men who are less liable to let their emotions make their decisions for them.
Here’s hoping the next school board election brings more women to the board, or men who are less liable to let their emotions make their decisions for them.
He won’t get much done of his stated domestic/foreign policy. But he will irreparably damage our standing with countries all over the world and, as you said, will certainly embolden all the most hateful elements of our society into more acts of bigotry and violence.
So she’s saying the rich black family shouldn’t live in a nice neighborhood?
Is there where I get to complain about how *after* I quit my job at Bank of America, I found out I was blocked from a promotion because, despite my boss, his boss, and several peers recommending me enthusiastically, the boss above them had an uncomfortable boner for me and said my attire was inappropriate?
And when the judge won’t let you get past “Your Honor, if....”???
My objection to the death penalty is the frequency with which innocent people are executed. That won’t apply in this case.
This is going to sound strange, but part of me welcomes the blatantly misogynistic attacks from Trump and Republicans. There was some polling a few years back that suggests female politicians can use those attacks to their advantage if they handle them in the right way (e.g. Ann Richards). If Clinton responds to Trump…
“I’m sorry Mr. Bush, the 8:00 p.m. milkshake rule applies to everyone.” [See "My Summer Job Working at the Bohemian Grove."]
“Do you know who I am?” Sacca thundered repeatedly, according to an eyewitness, a Broadway theater worker who requested anonymity.
i have to go here since no one else. he manifests anti-black venom held by many other minority groups. which is why i hold up my “kumbaya, we’re all in this together” shit until they prove allies. i’ve had some nasty remarks and looks from other folk who are themselves the recipient of white-on-minority bigotry.…
black power is not racist ya dumb dumb
Oh, that was found in the 90s. Vidor, Texas.
Why do you think there’s a punchline? What’s wrong with his physical appearance?
Fucking exactly.
but is every other company....
Abe Lincoln actually popped into my head immediately, and I didn’t watch the after-show. I’m wondering, though, if this is a case where Tyrion may be trying to be too clever for his own good, because this seems like a play destined to bite him in the ass.
This might sound weird but kudos to the officer for proceeding correctly and with respect to the gentleman singing. After all the killings of mentally ill people by cops, this guy should be training his fellow officers.
I think my biggest “huh” moment with respect to gender roles is when it was pointed out to me that your typical “geek” is just as hypermasculine as your typical “jock” when you look at it from the right angle.As male geeks, a great deal of our identity is built on the notion that male geeks are, in some sense,…