

You forget that the court reporter can only listen to one person at a time. If the judge is yelling over you, chances are the court reporter is going to record what the judge says and whatever long-winded statement you make will not actually make into the record, the presence of other counsel who most certainly will

You are entitled to your opinions about this photograph but you don’t know me so please stop with your ridiculous pseudo-diagnoses and labeling me hysterical and the like. I am debating the artistic value of this photo but you launch personal attacks, presuming that I have mental health issues which you then poke fun

I am a black woman and a modest person so yes, I do find this and similar photos to be tasteless and vulgar. Just like you, I am entitled to my opinion and I will venture to guess that you are not a black woman so you are not sensitive to the sexualization of the young black body by “well-meaning” white people. You

I’m not sure I “get” this joke. You think being concerned about the modesty of a child is something for which I should seek therapy? If this were your child, would you be okay with having her vaginal outline prominently displayed for the world to see? Sure, it’s a photo of an old woman holding a young child. But it’s

Seriously, please take down that second photo. You can see the outlines of that child’s genitalia and it is wildly inappropriate. What is edgy and cool about sexualizing a young black child? Both the photographer and this site are doing a great disservice with this photograph. I cannot believe anyone thought it would

That second photo of a child is wildly inappropriate. Please remove.

Just a reminder that racial identity does not predetermine political views.

What context do you need? Are you questioning whether there are white men from wealthy families at boarding and Ivy League schools? Or that my race and gender would not prevent me from hanging out with someone who does not look like me? Or is your actual issue that you are embarrassed that you made a flippant

Hi. Boarding school, Ivy League educated black female here. I feel very comfortable in those scenarios. Just like you, I am a person and that means I am capable of forging relationships with all types of people.