
As opposed to say, Tab Ramos, who has already done a great job working with those young players in the U20 team.

This is why the Berhalter hire was so uninspiring. For the first time ever, it actually seems like the US has 4-5 very young players who could be the spine of a genuinely good national team that could actually make some noise at a major tournament if they get a few fortunate draws and bounces. And who did they

That’s a great point. Americans don’t live in warm European climates like Berlin or Moscow. We need to wait until the summer to play outdoor sports, when cities like Dallas, Houston, D.C., and Orlando finally become tolerable.

More proof that ‘stand your ground’ and other such laws are meant for white people and no one else.

right, this is like when rand paul was upset about the earlier attempts to “reform” healthcare, but only because he wanted more grannies starved. he isn’t mad that trump is evil, he’s mad that trump is terrible at doing it effectively. tucker is not in “the resistance” he is just mad that he got the mr. magoo version

This is not woke Tucker, this is him veering further to the right into Nazi land. The far right has become disillusioned with Trump because he’s not making their racist wet dreams happen fast enough, primarily the wall, and he’s not antisemitic enough* for them. Tucker has been progressively moving further to the

A high artifact of American Soccer Lore. We should always play the winter qualifier in Denver.

Excuse me. Sir? Everybody knows that the MLS is here to cosplay as a European sports fan. League play in the summer? That’s not canon. 

Surprised Washington is asking for privacy and not selling the naming rights to the infection to make Snyder some more dough.

Huh, I thought Gang Green was a New York Jets thing.

Nurse: Oh my God! Come look at this Red skin!

The writer, Mariah Smith, is black, but the Cut’s editors, and their perspective, are mostly white.

Niggas are Machiavellian out ch’ere

As a guy whose decision to spill the beans on an interracial relationship saw his then-girlfriend written out of her millionaire grandmother’s last will and testament, I, too, have fucked up hard enough to earn a polite, measured eviction notice from the property manager of my lover’s heart.

Ponder this...what great marriages have is sexual variety! Period! It’s not the equal burden-sharing at home trend, it’s not the fidelity trend. Find someone that is going to let me have unprotected, random sex! Period! #monogamysucks!”

“My fiancée has informed me that sheez letting me go. #thankstwitter!”

One: you’re not anonymous, you are Nerd11135, we know you, nerd.

Two: you are otherwise correct, carry on

One: Please stop trying to show you’re a hip, swingin’ card by trying to put the band’s song titles into the text of the article at every opportunity. It’s not working.