There are also adults who graduated from college and smoke the ganj for pain-relieving properties, because they’ve seen friends and peers die from addictions and overdoses.
There are also adults who graduated from college and smoke the ganj for pain-relieving properties, because they’ve seen friends and peers die from addictions and overdoses.
He’s got the FOP/cops in his pocket.
It’s higher education. Think about a few of the other universities (Big Ten alone) and their issues in the past years, and how quickly they’ve tried to move on from it.
She is haggard enough to talk...
The roads between that part of California and Washington (of course Oregon is included) are no joke.
Uh, you ask her? The only reason we know who she is...... well, we all know the story. Unless you forgot her “claims to fame” before this joke.
This shouldn’t be political, but it could be.
But the motherfuckers on the other side are even stupider, that’s the point here.
But the Chevy will rust faster.
The Amish in Lancaster have manuals for their buggies.
I don’t give my wife enough love because I spend too much time risking everything to get out of the grays.
Me at my purEst
It’s a horrible idea. While I think the idea that they’ve been keeping some younger drivers out is a bit of a stretch- given the numbers game, I do think they have been more reluctant to encourage woman racing drivers within series that lead up to many of the top classes (specifically open wheel racing).
This is the correct response.
Fred Durst doesn’t have eyelids.
He did say Trump called him before the fight, so...
A fucking toddler has NOT SPENT ANY HOURS CALLING THEIR STOCKBROKER, is that a simple thing you can comprehend?
Since you’re going this far with it, and really have nothing else to add of relevance...
There are flags in a few parts of currently-gentrifying Philadelphia...
That is a little ridiculous.