
I’ll bet her salty ass voted not to pay taxes to support the troops... “Smaller government! something, blah blah etc.”

This is the stuff apple pies in packaging manufactured in China are made of, my friend!!!

Kirstjen Nielsen

Yes. If not paternalistic, it’s at least garbage.

I feel like they only feel immense because they have to pay for adverts or sponsored content everywhere. They may even have a satellite radio station now.

Nah- you’d have to hire another employee or two, pay them appropriately (assuming...), and actually make them clean.

It took you that long to come up with a reply that means so little? You’re months late and still stupid.

Watch him sign with the other team in the same state, just for the glory.

This is more like polosoccer than soccer.

Do a few stadium tours if you get a chance, to sit in your favorite manager’s butt groove.

They still have 90 players out on loan to choose from if the egos get to be too much.

I know a few that could finish a handle, but they wouldn’t be making it out of the house that’s for sure.

Aussie Supercars are better because the Holdens are closer to stock.*

The only country in the Western Hemisphere to be led by blacks, and to have become independent, under blacks.

They distract the simpletons with complaints about immigrants taking their jobs.

Amazing that if he played the game without doing any of that shit we wouldn’t be having this discussion. The guy is on TV, with exactly how many cameras following him around?

To be fair, both can get a black man killed.

I love seeing articles like this because it proves some people really are shitty and terrible when it comes to using their tools efficiently. Consumers without any background knowledge or learning ability are the worst.


“I got into Tumblr mostly out of necessity,”