That is a good thing to know. They were/are hiring for a position in another area and I was wondering how much crossover there was (or chances to like, replace Grosjean) between general Automation and F1.
That is a good thing to know. They were/are hiring for a position in another area and I was wondering how much crossover there was (or chances to like, replace Grosjean) between general Automation and F1.
The world is only as big as the NASCAR circuit. And since you can drive to all of the tracks on a road, the world is also flat. Obviously.
Also different league with different refs. Perhaps the “(Michael) Jordan rules” apply to Ronaldo (you just let some stuff slide because you’re in awe).
I think it’s a brilliant idea to expose how lyrically weak so many of today’s rappers are. Anyone can edit a studio album to make it sound good. Seeing some clowns from today on tour mumbling through the verses of Protect Ya Neck might be a wake up call.
In all fairness, I notice now, and will tell him I appreciate them.
The beauty of the joke is there are many out there who would type all of it seriously, and believe it.
Back in my day, that was HD.
“If it was necessary, yes!”
There’s also the criminality thing.
It’s time we stop giving that term to folk so quickly and start giving it to all who truly deserve it.
This is completely true, but there’s a difference between being “magically just not attracted to that race,” and being attracted to that race but finding someone else while dating.
Their male counterparts did not want to date them. So the question becomes: Who, then, were these male nerds attempting to date?
That’s bullshit because we all know Cristiano would bring the security detail to stir the hype, it wouldn’t always be inherently necessary.
I thought some streamers had warped egos, especially based on their usage of slurs- it seems the goons that choose to fill their time watching people streaming are far worse.
Aim for the stars!
How long is your list of chores?
YEAH! We can’t support Civil Rights and the concept of racial integration (That so many have spoken about) without hating on people that intermingle with whitey! There certainly weren’t any white people that lost their lives fighting for equality or justice.
She’s literally just creating an arch with her body then standing up again every 3 seconds. No real push up, no waist touching the ground, just flapping around.
Unfortunately for her, though, you can’t work out in public as a woman without getting comment on your form.