On Kotaku and Compete they’d bite your head off for suggesting people don’t stand up occasionally to walk to the bathroom or move their arms to shuffle and hold their cards. IS NOT A GAME IZ A SPORT
On Kotaku and Compete they’d bite your head off for suggesting people don’t stand up occasionally to walk to the bathroom or move their arms to shuffle and hold their cards. IS NOT A GAME IZ A SPORT
If the ball is above the line after bouncing on it, and not completely past the line (yet), how else do you expect someone to reach behind it or stop it?
Yes, but as I say, after the pit stops, you still have to watch a Nascar race. IF they just aired the pitstops for an hour straight each race, I’d probably be able to watch.
I think Tottenham beat Madrid too in the group stages, and they are from England, last I checked.
She didn’t win, but dat legacy tho.
Somewhere an entitled white child with half the dedication and motivation is salty as fuck. Too much partying, eh?
It’s really cool his replacement has experience with impeachment proceedings too! Why that would even be important at a time like this, at a presidential level, or why it would even be relevant that he knows about impeachment, or how to spell it, and the proceedings related to impeachment, is too much for me to figure…
This is awesome.
It’s almost like he needs a goofyish sidekick to balance out all his tech-wizardry and informational know-how.
Yards in the Philly area already did something like this years ago as a tribute to all the beer that was consumed (and weed that was smoked*) at Independence Hall, or something.
Not all coaches are pervs, some allow this to continue though which is just as terrible. This does seem to be slightly more common in individualized sports, where careers, trips to events and training are monitored by only a few.
The question should be: How closely connected to the Mar-a-Lago camp are these people?
At least he didn’t hurt himself doing it like Malkin in the last series. It went around. It came back around.
I work with a bunch of idiots that didn’t know this was a thing.
If you’re not even there to talk about yourself, why wouldn’t you have someone suggest a person that knows you better than anyone else to answer the questions?
Was always better when everyone was in on the cheat codes.
That explains it.
I hope the grannies also brought some Morton’s Salt for the pretty little shoes.
There are some in Higher Ed that make you think long and hard about how “higher education” could possibly be considered to be an accurate term.
I’ve dealt with it myself in the past as a student and an employee. And I’ve seen others here share similar anecdotes. It’s certainly not every school, but the closer to the…