
“Can you imagine Doobie in your funk?”

You mention soccer but they also have the animated dorna/board animations around the field now, similar to what F1 has facing the cameras.....They all used to be stationary, so there’s no reason why more sponsors can’t hop on board if the ad space is dynamic.

Then pony up and pay, or use GIMP, even though it’s shit.

I find that the grit and peat moss add a nice texture.

It is almost like kids who are not engaging socially are having difficulties learning what flies in the real world and what doesn’t.

Medieval Times, for adults this time.

Should be filed to “NUTMEGS”

Zooming in on a screen like that gives me the heebie jeebies.

NHL used to have the glowing puck. No question with graphic technology today the NBA could ignite a basketball for us every few games.

Who does McLaren have left to blame this season?


Most truly truly ugly people inside are also ugly outside.

Silly goose, everyone knows City didn’t really have fans until the oil money got there!

I don’t like the Nationals at all, and never will, but I like this.

Yes. Expect some person named M4ng0MAn or something to be placed on the 7-day DL for carpal tunnel syndrome, after cursing on camera.

1. Put enough of them on the shelves and people would be too dumb to remember what the “clearer” ones looked like.

It has been said that the Philadelphia area produces enough talented people that the idiots that climb poles during parades are more famous than the talented/famous people.

I have pigment so I can’t. But thanks.

Sure is good it matters. What are they, unbeaten in five now?

They have to set their standards so high now.