I checked, but didn’t see any comments on the quality photo choice.
I checked, but didn’t see any comments on the quality photo choice.
Oh.. you.
That was just a participation trophy. Don’t get it twisted.
Of course the alcohol itself can have negative impacts, but there’s no reason why a bunch of grains, hops, yeast, and boiled water (all pretty inert to ‘healthful’ on a general scale) wouldn’t be great for recovery, when combined.
anytime someone brags about “how they got up at 5 am to go to work early” is an idiot. Just get your work done in the time you’re supposed to be there, and go home to your family you dumb asshole.
At least you’re able to describe it as depression. Many can’t get that far.
Honest question though..
I appreciate this because I remember that exact moment, and I laughed into my beer. He did play it off fairly quickly “uhhwhat I meant to say.. She’s usually fine in the middle and the bottom, but the top...” (reaching reeeeeeeeaching)
Were it Wenger, we’d still be hearing about how the weather was too cold that night, and how the dewpoint was too low, and how the pitch wasn’t immaculate, specifically in the parts behind the goals (where nobody plays but it’s Arsene, so why not add it to the complaint list).
There was an app, for that. RunPee?
Let’s play “ICE HOCKEY” (the Nintendo version)
Asians are considered to be the “model minority,” so when the slurs fly, it’s easier for others to ignore it, or gloss over it.
You don’t have to follow Liverpool to hate that rag.
iT CoUlD juSt bE ThAt tHe PlAyErS aRe WoRSe ThESe DayS
Most pop stars are only that because of marketing.
A possible issue for some could be the light blue color used for the hyperlink underline.
Despite the usual lack of parity in La Liga, it’s been safe to say for years now that Ligue 1 is like watching adults playing in a youth rec league.
Stats/marketing may differ, but I’d argue United had a bigger pull in my circles growing up back then- of course, the Champions League played a huge role in our exposure. In the northeastern part of the country where I was, Madrid and AC/Inter had their followers too. I knew more about Rangers and Celtic than I did…
Stats/marketing may differ, but I’d argue United had a bigger pull in my circles growing up back then- of course, the Champions League played a huge role in our exposure. In the northeastern part of the country where I was, Madrid and Milan/Inter had their followers too. I knew more about Rangers and Celtic than I did…