
It does make you think.

It also doesn’t help that both are generic-looking white guys.

We all know there’s a portion of the American population that is EXTREMEly selective when it comes to making more noise about one issue or another.

As one who helped a coworker move, and set his house arrest system up after his DUI (because he already had nobody else around to help), there is a point in which the presence of a massive beeping black box in the corner of the space you’re in becomes enough.

But Jerry Jones is wrong about everything else, except for bringing money to the league, and Roger Goodell.

Just consider if there weren’t as many crashes period, less people would be at risk of death. Nothin Stef wrote about would indicate taking what happened there as lightly as you’re reading into it.

Are you unable to see images on this site?

(best reference to a good movie, ever)

who are you, named Grammar to ask such. a.

It has been lost in all of this that the exchange rates in China really are not anything outrageous enough to warrant stealing. Stealing is clearly wrong, but it’s more insane when the value of the items is arguably cheaper overall.

Makes you wonder when Lena Dunham will learn that being so damned vocal about anything and everything will eventually come back to bite her in the ass.

it’s almost impressive that he’s kept it up for this long.

But your life wouldn’t have been any different if this ‘research’ hadn’t been provided.


Holy fucking treble on the video clip.

Which proves his maturity and why he should be the centerpiece of the team going forward.

Did he get his shoe back?

When the World Cup expands to 128 teams in a few years, it won’t matter.

Australia had to join Asia after demolishing other countries in Oceania by 30 goals (yes, thirty -not a typo- average, over a few decades). I think they sought out the competition as well.

Devil’s advocate here for discussion’s sake, but would suicide make it any easier to get behind then? From Duerson to Seau, there’ve been quite a few that suffered from CTE and took their own lives.