
Now I want to propose to Mr. Raptor with some sort of massively gaudy/flashy ring, just to see his face. I really honestly only want to see what his reaction would be to some massive-ass diamond set in other diamonds set in the tears of your unborn grandchildren. Maybe as an anniversary gift? Except isn't one year

DEFINITELY read the headline as "management" ring, like how you should treat yourself to a ring when you get promoted. More rings for everyone!!!!

I keep reading it as "management"

Shout out to the University of Michigan, who not only had these two phenomenal skaters at Sochi, but also three other ice dancers on Team USA performing!

Standard comment about assholes who don't eat like I think they should, followed by nutritional expertise that I overheard somewhere. Accusation that people who either do or don't eat gluten are morons. Dismissal of all medical problems of any kind in either direction.

"We tend to tear the crotches in our jeans quite a bit," the American racer Steven Nyman said. The introduction of leggings-style and elasticated jeans has been a godsend. "We have to buy stretchy jeans," he said."

Can I just have this as a top?

I also really like "Make sure they wake up in time for work/in time to feed you," especially where the little kitty is learning from the older cat how to wake the asshole human up and how you must NEVER GIVE UP when it comes to whining/crying at the door.

But you must admit that any smugness Gwenyth Paltrow possesses lends itself perfectly to playing Emma, Jane Austen's most smug heroine!

Let's use this post to start posting pictures of Idris Elba

Haha I noticed that too. If, today, I bought a $300 side table, I'd immediately cover it in plastic to preserve it forever because it would cost over 400% of what my current side table goes for (because my current side table LACKs sophistication, if you get myKEA drift).

Completely beside the point, but holy crap:

Excuse me, Ron Weasley was never friendzoned, by any definition of the word.

Wow, I sense a huge conflict of interest here, Kelly Faircloth. If that is your real name...

"This is about Vogue, and what Vogue decides to do with a specific woman who has very publicly stated that she's fine just the way she is, and the world needs to get on board with that. Just how resistant is Vogue to that idea?"

Leslie, NOOOO! Don't betray Ben for stupid little Bobby Newport!

(Yes, I am happy to blur fictional universes.)

Hands up that you trust Burt's opinion that we'll sob like hungry, angry babies and just skipped right to the comments without reading any of the links.